»19« Kids

67 13 1

Lyria POV

" How many more Easter eggs to hide?" I shouted across the field to Inez.

" Thirty more..." She hollered back as her hand reached into the bag again to take out more Easter eggs.

"Yes, we're finally done. I'll go and call Christian and Rain to tell them that they can bring the kids out now," Berlin said as she bounced towards the big wooden door of the orphanage that led to the main hall where the kids currently were.

After a while, the big wooden doors flew opened and a gigantic crowd of kids with smiling faces rushed out of the door with small baskets in their hands.

I guessed the egg hunt has started.

I smiled as the kids scrambled across the field as they tried to find the Easter eggs. When they managed to find one, their faces lit up with joy.

I stood with Bryce at the far end of the field as we broke into grins, watching the lively kids run around the field with determination.

When one kid manages to find five eggs in total, they had to run to a pair of us stationed at any corner of the field to receive a prize. Of course, they could keep the eggs after claiming their prize.

" Hi Bryce... What are you doing here with that ugly witch?" I was startled for a moment and realised that Veron was standing quite close to Bryce. When did she get here? I thought she had left with Verah.

"Go away, Veron. Lyria and I are in the midst of something..." Bryce replied boredly.

"She's the one who needs to go away! I'm spending my time and effort with you and she's just standing there like a dumb log!" Veron screeched sharply as she pointed to me while glaring.

I think I need to go to a hospital to have my ears checked.

"And I have a secret to tell you, Bryce. It's only between the two of us, not some annoying Goldie-locks..." Veron continued with venom dripping off every word.

Hmm, guess I shouldn't disturb Veron and her little secret with Bryce. It would also be rude if I stood there 'cause Veron might think I'm eavesdropping.

I was about to walk away in another direction when someone grabbed my arm and whispered into my ear.

"How dare you leave me with that nuisance! I will die of her screeching!" Bryce's warm breath tickled my ear and I smiled in amusement.

"She seems to want your attention. You should give her some since sharing is caring..." I trailed off with a smirk as Bryce shook his head vigourously, his eyes wide.

"What are you two whispering about? Bryce, come here!" Veron shrieked as she sashayed to where Bryce and I was.

Suddenly, a group of kids came with baskets of five eggs each, blocking Veron's path towards us.

"Right on time!" Bryce exclaimed as we took out prizes to give to the overjoyed kids. At this moment, another annoying screech rang across the field.

"Veron, Ma's here. Get your ugly ass into the car or I'll ask her to drive off without you," I swore that was Verah from a distance as she retreated towards the car park outside the orphanage.

Veron cussed under her breath as she walked reluctantly towards the direction of the car park.

" I need to start formulating plans of escape from Veron when I get back home," Bryce nodded his head and I laughed.


"Guess we're finally done. Who wants to explore this place?" Christian asked as we sat in a circle on the field.

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