§23§ Rodney

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Bryce POV

Remember the times when Rodney was about to tell the class something but she always got interrupted by the dismissal bell?

Well, she finally told us during the previous lesson, first thing when she stepped into the class.

Guess what?

There's going to be a full day of intensive learning for the preparation of the history exam the next Monday, which is today. I swear I am going to die 'cause facing Rodney the whole day is no joke.

I hope Lyria's gonna be okay too 'cause we all know that she can't survive with too much history.

" Good morning class! Today's going to be such a fun day so do your best in learning new topics, my cuties," Ms Rodney said in a horrible sing-song voice as she sauntered into the class with hideously big black heels with orange smiley-faces speckered on them.

Her fashion sense just keeps getting worse and worse. This is coming from a boy which shows how ugly she looks...

"So, in the first two hours, I'm going to cover topic one and two. Take out your notes now, my babies," Rodney screeched as she looked in my direction and winked at me.

My eyes! That was such a horrible sight!

I scowled as I digged into my bag to find my notes that were most probably stuck at the bottom.

And then, the most boring lesson of my life started as the history enthusiasts at the front of the class clapped wildly.

" Rain Dione, you should take a seat at the front 'cause your height puts you at a disadvantage of seeing me," Rodney spun around, away from the whiteboard as her eyes bore into Rain's.

How dare you try to separate Rain from Berlin?

" Rain's not feeling well so his GIRLFRIEND, Berlin, is taking care of him and helping him here so there's no need to move to the front," I lied, emphasising the word 'Girlfriend' so loud that everyone turned around, smirking before turning back to Rodney and nodding their heads in agreement to my statement.

" Thanks, bro," Rain turned to me, smiling cheekily as we silently did a bro-fist while Rodney resumed her lesson with much displeasure.

I felt super annoyed afterwards 'cause Rodney started targeting Lyria with difficult questions and I could only sit there, watching her.

I wished I could answer for her 'cause Rodney's being so unfair. She should know that Lyria's not good with all those tough questions.

But nevertheless, Lyria answered all of them wrongly while smiling. Ah, typical Lyria.

" Get into pairs and discuss the following questions," Rodney boomed as she handed out papers to each and everyone.

Soon, everyone got into their pairs noisily and began.

"Man, I want to sleep," Christian groaned as he looked towards me with droopy eyes.

"It's okay. Just look towards Aranda and you will find the energy you need," I said as I dodged Christian's furious hand that lunged out at me.

"When are you going to confess to her?" I whispered to Christian as he crept nearer to me before replying, " Never"

"Never is an awfully long time," I stated, smiling as Christian smirked back.

We all know that what I said was adapted from the 2003 movie 'Peter Pan'.

Yeah, I love Peter Pan.

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