¤32¤ Working with the Tylers

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Lyria POV

"What are you doing here, Tylers?" I narrowed my eyes at the white-blonde in front of me.

Smiling so widely that I thought his face was gonna split, I tapped my foot against the concrete pavement outside my house as I waited for his reply.

"Remember when I told you that you would figure out later... Well, your father kind of invited my family to have dinner at your place since both our fathers were going to discuss some important geographical matters," Aiden replied.

And then, it hit me.

So, my father's important client was Aiden's family?

"WHAT! Wait, then, how did you know that I was a Jackson in school?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

"Your father and mother kind of visited my family in New York and they talked about a lot of stuff including you and your older brother, Dayn. I was there when your father showed us a picture of you two," Aiden smirked as he tried to stifle a giggle.

" WHAT! I'm-" I shrieked in disbelief as the front door of my house swung open, revealing a cheery-faced Pa and his toothy grin.

"Looks like you two have already met. No need for introductions I guess... Anyways, come on in. Wouldn't want to keep our guests waiting!" Pa exclaimed as he skipped back to the dining room.

Yup, he skipped. It's not that surprising since he's so weird...

As I took off my shoes and stepped into the house, an arm coiled around my waist and it  stopped me in my tracks.

Taken aback by the sudden gesture, I snapped my head towards Aiden who simply replied, " Remember I'm the guest? Guests first."

As Aiden made his way to the dining room, I could not help but roll my eyes at his back.

This dinner ain't gonna be good...


Sitting next to Skyler was already horrible enough since we weren't getting along.

But sitting opposite Stalker Aiden...

Could my day get any worse?

Apparently, it did 'cause when dinner was served, I mentally gagged as I eyed the slimy mushrooms on my plate.

Yucks, I hate 'em.

"Children, this is Mr. Davidson Tylers. His son is Aiden Tylers and his wife here is Mrs. Leodelle Tylers, " Pa introduced our guests one by one.

"So, currently, we have the north, east and west reports for New York. You have to do the report for the south of New York, yeah? You lot would be leaving for New York on the 3rd of November, yeah? It's gonna be freezing cold over there," Mr. Tylers said with a smirk as he wolfed down the slimy gross mushrooms before continuing, "Well, we would be travelling to London the same day y'all are leaving for New York so we're kind of exchanging places, yeah?"

Oh yeah? Well, listen up Mr. David son of a female dog, I ain't moving anywhere and you can't make me. I'm glueing my ass in London!

I mentally cursed at Mr. Tylers as I furiously stabbed one of the slimy mushrooms on my plate.

I guess I shouldn't have done that since Aiden and Skyler got startled as a bit of mushroom sauce flew to their plates.

"Ria, what's wrong?" Ma asked me and instantly, all the attention flew to me.

"Uh, I don't like mushrooms... " I smiled sheepishly as Mr Tylers immediately replied to my surprise, "Well, I love eating mushrooms!"

Oh, SHUT UP! I wanted to scream that so badly in his face but he's our guest and if I treat my guest with disrespect, I bet Pa won't hear my reasons for not going to New York later.

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