»11« The Jacksons

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Lyria POV

" Ahaha, why would you want to coach yourself soccer?" I turned around to see Mr Connor-Franta-wannabe's shocking blue eyes.

"And when did you come back? Why didn't you tell me?" I narrowed my eyes as I demanded an explanation from the boy who was sitting on his luggage behind me.

"It was meant to be a surpriseee. Why don't you wanna open the door?" He raised his eyebrow while looking at the main door of the house.

"Duh, I left my keys in the house... Oh yea! Guys, this is my older brother, Dayn. Dayn, these are my friends," I introduced Dayn to my friends with a heartwarming smile.

His pair of electrifying blue eyes scanned the group of girls and guys who stared back at him in surprise.

"I'm Inez!" Inez chirped excitedly as she gave a friendly 'hello' to Dayn who returned her with a flawless grin.

"I'm Skipper," Skipper continued the introduction and soon, Dayn knew everyone by name.

"Errr guys, just treat him like he's the same age as us 'cause he's actually 17+ since his birthday isn't over yet," I assured my friends for they seemed like they wanted to talk to Dayn but were scared to do so.

"So... I heard from Lyria that you are a soccer captain of ST KINDRED'S HIGHSCHOOL. THAT IS AWESOME!" Bryce exclaimed as he started a conversation with my brother.

Man, it's soccer again.

" I KNOW RIGHT! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT TOO!" Dayn shrieked as his eyes lit up like blue fire. I swear Bryce and Dayn could be long lost brothers.

"That jawline though... If you were a girl, I'll definitely want to marry you. Man, I'm starting to feel gay," Everyone instantly whipped their heads towards Rain, bewildered. Rain was still in a daze while staring at Dayn.

Rain, you have Berlin here! Don't betray your love for her or I'll snap your neck...

No, I'm actually not that violent. I only have violent thoughts so calm down...

" Oh my shit! Sorry guys, this is so embarrassing," Rain immediately snapped out of his daze as he realised that everybody had listened to his comment. He instantly turned to Berlin who was red from laughing.

" Lyria, you sure have some interesting friendssss," Dayn laughed lightly as a lopsided grin etched onto his face.

Of course, I do 'cause I'm equally interesting. Just kidding, I'm quite plain and boring unlike Dayn.

"Oh, I almost forgot. My parents will not be home on Valentine's day so my house is open for a whole day of chilling and eating," Rain stated happily, changing the subject instantly. He's smart, eh. Casually bringing the suggestion up when we, except Berlin and Dayn, all know that the confession will take place on that day.

"PARTY!!!" That was deafening! Don't you know we are disturbing the neighbours? Aranda and I glared at Dayn and Brcye.

" OMG! Can we have a barbeque?" Berlin went wide-eyed. I quickly added, " with marshmallows."

"You still haven't quit eating those teeth-destroying sweets?" Dayn exclaimed, turning to me as he shook his head in despair.

" Don't stop me," I retorted back menacingly. How dare he insult my bae!

" We can play soccer on that day too !" Dayn stuck out his tongue at me before continuing his fantasies about our chill day this Wednesday.

"Oh yeah, boys. Remember we have something to ask Dayn! 1,2 ,3 , go!"

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