¤24¤ Exams

64 10 11

Lyria POV

Silence echoed throughout the classroom except for the occasional rustling of papers and the clicking of pens.

Yes, it's the exams and I'm excited.

No, I'm not excited because of the exams, no one in their right mind would.

I'm excited because it's the last day of the examinations.

'Cause the freedom starts once you hear the examiner say 'Times Up' .

Lyria Jackson, concentrate on your paper first. Don't let all the excitement go into your head and rule it.

I looked away from the clock that I was staring at for a few minutes before locking my eyes with the horrendous words on the paper.

Sighing in exasperation, I groaned as I began writing my second history essay.

Boredom enveloped me as I wrote word after word on the given paper.

And then, my vulnerable mind wandered off to the dangerous world of fun and delight again as I recalled what I replied to Aspen yesterday.

Due to hours of studying in the morning and afternoon, even evening, I managed to squeeze in a bit of time before I slept to type a reply back to Aspen, telling her that my friends and I would be delighted to participate in the May Labour day thingy.

" One hour more!" Rodney's screechy voice boomed across the entire classroom, jolting me back to reality.

Grasping my pen properly in reluctance, I continued writing my essay.

Ugh, I think if I carry on telling you about the happenings in this classroom for one hour, you'll drop dead on the floor because of boredom.

Well, be prepared to do that 'cause I'm going to be evil and continue.

When I was finally halfway through my essay, I decided to take a break, leaning back into my chair for some comfort.

Oh, I see Berlin's head on her table. Sleeping out of all times...

Inez is busy as a bee. Ouch, the tip of her pen broke. Bless you, Inez's pen tip.

Aranda looks... happy? What's WRONG with you? How do you look happy in an examination.

I turned to my right and instantly tried to stifle my giggle.
Bryce's serious face looked too hilarious.

He looks like he's constipated.

Anyways, back to the essay. We can't afford to lose too much time, can we?

Time is precious like money.

Correction, time is precious like marshmallows.

Once again, I heaved myself back to writing while rolling my eyes at the paper.

And then, it happened.

Loud screams echoed throughout the corridor followed by a deafening explosion that threatened to make me shriek.

The familiar smell of smoke hit me in the nose as my mind immediately brought me to the word 'fire'.

Sure enough, the fire alarm sounded, bringing the class I was in to a frenzy.

" Calm down kids and-" Rodney was cut off by the loud announcement system that said the same thing as her.

" Everyone calm down and proceed to the Parade Square through respective emergency exits your class was assigned to."

Adults are too simple-minded.

They think that such a speech will immediately calm the tits of all students.

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