§20§ Target ⊙

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Bryce POV

1st April

The day you can't trust anyone, even your father.

Last year, he put salt in my milk for breakfast and I spat the whole thing out at him.

Whoops, his plan backfired.

Anyways, every year in school, the 'squad', if you would call us that, would pick a target to play pranks on.

Since Lyria was new to this, we discussed a lot about it in the whatsapp chat group yesterday.

Boy, am I excited for school today...

Target Of The Year (TOTY) is...


I'm not going to lie but I'm looking forward to her reactions.

Oh, just you wait, Veron...


Ah, the scotch tape prank is getting so old and it's a miracle how Rodney keeps running into it every April fool's.

" Plan A will be starting as soon as Veron prepares to sit down on her seat. Pass the message down..." Aranda hissed in my ear as I turned towards Rain, repeating whatever Aranda had said during Rodney's raging lesson.

Yes, Rodney was indeed mad since all her lipstick was stuck onto the scotch tape.

Okay, maybe not all but most of it was gone from her lips.

Christian who was the last in the row nodded and smirked as he withdrew a bottle of red paint from his bag.

We had purposefully sat together so that we could whisper plans back and forth when we wanted to.

Oh, this is going to be fascinating to watch as I saw Veron walk to her seat with her head held high.

She just had to wear a white mini-skirt today. Boohoohoo to you. Everybody's gonna think you had your period in class.

Christian immediately sneaked his hand near Veron's seat and tip the bottle of red paint onto the chair just before she sat down.

"Oh , and I added a bit of water in the paint to make it diluted so that it would look more realistic," Christian whispered to us after he was done with his job and we snickered softly.

After a few minutes into the boring lesson, Rodney said that anybody who had questions could come out to the front to have their questions answered.

And today is such a lucky day that Veron had to stand up to show us how beautiful the red diluted paint had enhanced her white skirt as she walked to Rodney with her head held high.

Some people laughed behind her back, take me for an example. Others started whispering to one another in amusement.

Verah almost choked on her spit when she saw her sister's red 'baboon butt'.

Well, don't be too shocked yet. We still have more disturbing pranks up our sleeves.



The bell rang shrilly and everyone popped out of their seats as they headed to the canteen.

Plan B has commenced and we , the boys, gave good luck to the girls as they went to the girls' toilet to pull off our next plan.

Well, the toilet is the first place Veron goes once the bell rings so that she can beautify herself with thick, yucky make-up.

After fifteen minutes, they came out with gleeful grins and Lyria gave me a thumbs-up.

All set I guess.

Seemed like Veron hasn't realised that her skirt has 'period' on it.


Finally, it's English and I almost died of excitement.

Our 'squad' instantly snapped our attention to Veron and smiled to one another.

There on her back was written ' Actually, I love you so much Pete!'

Oh, You'll think Pete is one of those nerds who have a crush on the 'popular' people but you thought wrong.

He is really disgusting thus his name, Mucus man or Slime Slob.

This is disturbing 'cause you have no idea what Pete will try to do just to win his crush's love and to my delight, it's Veron.

Smirks crept up our faces when we noticed that Pete saw the writing in lipstick across Veron's back.

"Hey babe!" Pete said as he settled down on a seat next to Veron while digging his nose.

She immediately let out a gasp of disgust and inched her table towards us.

"Aren't- Aren't you supposed to seat there? You know... Far far away from me..." She trailed off and abruptly turned to me with pleading eyes before stating something that caught me off-guard.

"And you wouldn't want to flirt with me 'cause my boyfriend's watching," Veron continued as she gestured to me and I almost jumped out of my skin, shuddering at that thought.

My eyes met Pete's angry ones as Pete began to dig his nose furiously.

I immediately retorted back 'cause I don't want Pete's boogers on me.

"She's lying. She is ALL yours, Pete. I mean being in a relationship with her is impossible to begin with," I said with a smile and immediately, Pete's face softened and he returned me a smile as he digged his nose less furiously.

You wouldn't want your nose to drop off, Pete, so that was a good move.

Skipper's face was red from laughing and Aranda whispered in my ear saying, "Close call ... Close call..."

I looked over to Lyria and saw her head on the table, gasping for air as she continued laughing.

And I noticed she sneaked some marshmallows into her mouth as she laughed loudly.

Seriously, she hid marshmallows under her table. She cannot leave and live without her marshmallows...

"So, babe-" Pete continued but was cut off by Veron's hiss.

"Why are you calling me babe, Mucus midget!"

"Well, your back says you love me," Pete said as he withdrew a hand from his nostrils and stretched out a finger with booger on it, almost grazing the surface of Veron's shirt.

Veron moved away quicker than a cheetah and she fell off the chair.

"Ms Rodney, I need to go to the toilet, urgently," Verah told Rodney with agitation laced in every word as she stood up and marched to the toilet with Rodney's aprroval.
Moments later, we heard a horrible screech coming from the girls' toilet.

Oops, she found out.


Hey ladies :)

Imma be going away for camp from Thrusday to Saturday.

So stick with this chapter till I come back. Hahahahah

P.S all the clothes I'm bringing to the camp are mostly black.

See how emo I am ...

Anyways, it's time to play growtopia ;)


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