There was a boy named Jerry.

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Dedicated to Goatsareboss1234
Jerry is a boy. He has a pet goat named Sniffle. His pet and him go on many adventures. But then they got trapped in a sewer. They heard an evil rat person plotting to take over Wattpad. Jerry and Sniffles made a plan.
Jerry yelled at the rat man for trying to take over Wattpad. Then the rat man said that he was not planning to take over Wattpad and they all became besties. They bought a selfie stick and went to the Empire State Building. They climbed all the way to the top.
Then the rat man surprised them by pushing Jerry off. Jerry fell into a dumpster that a guy name Bob ( hahah. Other chap) lived in. They chatted until Bob fell asleep and Jerry saw the garbage truck coming.
Sniffles was very angered. He stomped on the rat man's face and rat man had to get face surgery that made him look like a Kardashian. He became an Internet superstar and passed Selena Gomez for most followers on Instagram.
Jerry became a garbage man.
Sniffles became a boxer.
And Rat man got a character in Kim Kardashian's game.
Da end.
Or is it?

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