So, another field trip with Mateo423 , Fish Face and Kawaiikitten313
We are at Central Park and we are eating lunch around rocks.
And so, there's this guy named J, not his actual name but when do I every use actual names, and he wanted to sit with us.
Just before he came to sit with us, Fish poured some water on the rock he was sitting on, and named it a waterfall. So I made a joke, and said that if someone sits there, they will look like they set them self.
Although Fish and Mateo432 were nice enough to warn J, I'm not sure I'm ever gonna look at him the same.
Bleh. Thoughts.
HumorBOOK ONE. So, I see that you have stumbled across this book, hmm. Well it's your lucky day. *Wink wink* This is a book that contains random weirdness, and you can read at your own risk. (Caution: All these things actually happened to me and my fri...