1: introduction.

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Meet me, Scarlett Rose. I'm a sophomore in high school and yes I do turn red a lot before you think it. my name corresponds with red so much that throughout elementary school I was know as red red for Scarlett and Rose. even through rose isn't much of a red; more of a pink, I was still called red red. at one stage I think come one called me red red Rose. I don't know why though, its not like my middle name has anything to do with the color red. its Valentine... so yeah, I can see why I was called red red Rose. 

Thanks to whatever kid decided to call me that. 

I feel great about it.

I woke up at 6:30 like any other day and was extremely reluctant to get out of bed, mainly because I had to be out of the house by 7:45 for the bus. I tossed over and turned off the alarm on my phone before trying to bury my head back into the pillow. Even though I knew I had to get up and have a shower, I laid there and thought about my day ahead and what would happen if I didn't move. I would probably end up missing the bus, walking to school alone, getting a detention and then be metaphorically killed by my mother. great. 

After about 5 minutes of scaring myself from the thought of my death, I got up and sorted out my wrinkled pajamas that had rolled up my leg from my tossing and turning. I slumped my way to the bathroom across the hallway and took a 10-minute shower (I had to cut it short from my morning thinking session).

 I wrapped myself up in a big blue towel and made my way back to my room to dry myself and change. on the way to my room I came across my grumpy brother who was making his way to the bathroom I had been in. We had a schedule in which we both were only allowed to take 15 minute in the shower ever morning and if we weren't in the shower by our assigned time, we would have to cut it short.

"You're over by a minute red," my brother said as he wiped his tired face,

The nickname had caught on to the fact that he called me red. "well, its the first day back, cut me some slack," I said as I frowned at him, "whatever," he said back to tired to start a fight.

My brother (Jason) is a bit annoying if you couldn't tell by my scowl. Most of the time he started the fights over stupid things and some of the time, which was very rarely, I started the fights. in my defense, I would only start them if he was being an idiot or if I had a hangover, which was never. I didn't drink. Jason on the other hand, well... he did drink but he never drank too much that he had a really bad hangover. Both of our parents weren't heavy drinkers so he never really got the opportunity until a few months ago, lets just say he mixed his drinks and spewed everywhere.

I trailed back to my room and chose an outfit, I chose to wear jeans and a jumper that had Dumbo on it (I love that movie). I dried my hair with the hair dryer and put it in a pony tail to which it came down to my shoulder blades. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. the time was 7:10 and I had a text message come through from Gabby.

Gabby is my best friend and she has red hair, and when I say red... I mean red. If you hadn't guessed, most of my life revolves around the color red. My name is red red red, my best friend has red hair and a wall in my room is red, just one, the others are white. I was my brother room but now I had it over a victorious bet that he placed and I won.

 Happy days.

Gabby: i'll see you at school!

She knew I was not looking forward to going back after the traumatic events before spring break in which I confessed my love to a guy, not just any guy... my brothers best friend. He turned around and laughed at me causing me and my brother to be annoyed. It was the talk of the school for about a week and I refused to go back. My brother was annoyed because now his friend never comes over which is reliving for me but hell for him... oh well.

I went downstairs to find my younger sister, who is 3, sitting in the middle of the floor with some bits of dry cereal around her.

"what the-" I started to say as I was cut off by my mum 'eh hemming'.

 "I mean, uh... what the heck?" I said which came out as a question.

 "better," she replied with as she took her seat at the table and laid out toast. yum. 

I had never really liked toast as I had always seen it as a boring food. instead of eating the toast I raided to cupboards to find the cereal box that Ally had the remains of surrounding her.

"where did she get that cereal from?" I asked mum as I gave up looking, 

"secret... you need to watch your waist," my mum said blatantly. 


 "I'm not going to get fat from eating a bowl of freaking cereal...It's not like I have any competitions coming up," I said as I determinedly raided for the box. "ah ha!" I said victoriously as I found the box hidden behind my brother's protein bars.

 I grabbed the milk from the fridge and started to pour it over the cereal in a bowl. Just what I needed, a bowl of cereal after weeks of watching what I ate. I had just finished competing in a dance competition in las Vegas and I came second. I had to train for weeks and weeks because I had my eye on the prize which ended up being taken by some 20-year-old elastic woman who could literally put her head on her lower back... yeah, I know.

After I finished my cereal I felt very happy about eating it. I grabbed my bag from upstairs and my dance stuff for after school. I shoved all of my books that I would need for the day in my bag as well as grabbing some lunch that my mother had ever so kindly made for me and left on the counter. she had left to go and drop Ally off at her baby sitters for the day. The baby sitter was my aunt Casey and she had some sort of degree in child care so she was depended on very much by my mum.

I shoved my white converse on my feet and swung my bags over my shoulder.

"sis! wait up!" I heard Jason shout from the top of the stairs just as I was about to leave.

"yes?" I said as I waited for him as told to. 

"I'm goanna get the bus with you, Chase won't come near this house since... you know-"

"Yeah I know..." I said cutting him off,

 "Just hurry up," I ordered him as he ran to the kitchen, picked up his lunch and his bag which hadn't moved for the entire spring break from the position he left it in and met me at the door to leave.

"I have an idea!" he said breaking the silence,

 "why don't I drive?" 

oh no... He wanted to drive me to school. My brother was really sweet and since he was 17, he legally could drive but it was hell with him behind the wheel. 

"Didn't mum take the car?" I asked trying to get him to change his mind, 

"No... she got a lift to Aunt Graces' house and then she's getting a lift to work," He said as a grin appeared on his face as I admitted defeat.

 "ok... drive, but!" I said which started him, "drive safely..." In which he replied with a nod to.

He did not.

He was swerving in and out of traffic in our mums beloved sedan that she had only had for around a month. 

"Try not to kill me on the way there!" I said as I prepared myself for the brace position.

I love my brother and all but he cannot drive for sugar. At all. I could probably drive better than him and I was just a learner. 

"When's your next comp then?" He asked as he slowed down a bit at a traffic light, 

"Some time in the summer... Mum's gonna' make me train hard again," I said whilst sighing. 

"You don't like it, do you?" My brother asked, 

"I do but I just can't be bothered with the training and constant starvation I have to go through." I said looking at the ground.

 "Well... At least you don't have to practically live in the gym," He said making everything about him. my brother was a wrestler, from the ages of 10-14 he practiced his wresting moves on me and in the process got told of loads by our mum and broke my rib so that was fun...


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