8: my number

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we arrived at the bowling alley late because Levi and Jason were mucking about and taking ages to get ready, when they were ready I was cramped into the back seat once again to suffer a 30 minute drive to the arcade. we bumped into a few of Jason and Levi's friends where I stood there awkwardly smiling and hoping that are would hurry up and start our assigned time to bowl,

"seriously guys, can we hurry up, I want to bowl," I groaned as they ordered some slush drinks.

"hold your horses," Levi said as he grabbed his drink from the counter and handed the guy the money, "we're going to go and say hi to Chase again..." he said as he looked over and waved at the group that he wished he was with right now. I could tell.

"try not to embarrass yourself..." Jason said in a sympathetic tone,

I looked over at all of them sitting there surrounded by a few girls as Chase stood up for his go, he bowled a 9 and then hit down the very last pin on his second go scoring a spare.

I sighed and looked back at Jason who was still looking at me, "I might stay here," I said as I walked over to the stalls and sat down,

"we'll just be 5 minutes," he said as Levi started walking off,

I slumped on the seat and ordered a strawberry milkshake knowing that my dance teacher and my mother were going to hate me for this but at this precise moment, I didn't care.

I people- watched for a few minutes until I was approached by a lanky teenager who I did not recognize.

"hey," he said as he sat down on the stool next to me,

"um, hi," I awkwardly said,

"what's your name?" he asked with a smile which contained some blue braces.

"Scarlett," I said as I sipped on my milkshake hoping that Jason would be back soon.

"that's a nice name, I'm Craig," he said with an awkward nod, "can I have your number?" he asked blatantly,

"um," I stuttered, "uh... I'm sorry, no," I said with a light smile,

"fair enough," he said, "well, if you change your mind... I'll be on alley 5," he said with another smile and a wink.

I finished off my shake 10 minutes after Levi and Jason left.

when they finally decided to come back, Levi winked at some overly tanned blonde girl who swooned after the wink, I rolled my eyes as the guys approached me,

"ready now?" I asked as I hopped off of the stool and both nodded in return,

after round one, Levi sat up from his slumped position and opened his mouth to say something,

"so, I saw you talking to Craig," he said with a smirk,

"yeah... so? how do you know his name?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes,

"oh you know... did you get his number?" he asked with a grin on his face,

"no, I didn't ask for it, he asked for mine though," I said glumly,

"oh," he said sitting up awkwardly, "did you give it to him?" he asked,

"no..." I said blatantly,

"that makes sense," he said as he watched Jason come back from his bowl, he stood up for his turn,

"what do you mean," I said standing up as well,

"well, you know... I guessed that nerdy guys aren't your type but he's in the middle, he's a popular nerd" he said in emphasizing the word popular.

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