24: snoring Levi

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I just realized something when we pulled up in my driveway, no one knew that Levi was staying over and I probably should've told them because when I got through the doorway, I realized it was a big mistake.

"why is Levi here? Do you realize the time?" my mum silently yelled whilst Levi was shooed into the kitchen,

"his aunt is here and she hates him so he asked if he could come here so here he is. Also, it's not that late," I said to her,

"and, where the hell did you go?" she asked me as she got a sudden brain wave,

now I was stuck.

"uh, I um..." I stuttered,

"she had to come and pick me up from somewhere as she owed me," Levi butted in,

I mouthed 'thank you' to him as she narrowed her eyes and then walked off upstairs,

"the sofa pulls out. Do not go in her room," she said as she stopped on the stairs and gave him a stern look.

"thank you, ma'am, and I will not," he said with an assuring smile.

My mum disappeared up the stair and then Levi turned to face me before he sighed really loudly.

"yeah, I know," I said to him as I knew exactly what that sigh meant-'whoa, your mum is harsh.'

"good to know," he clarified and then slumped on the sofa,

"well, I'm going to go to bed now. Don't be down here in the morning because mum has to go to work," I said to him before heading up the stairs myself.

"good night," he muttered as I left him.

Goodnight to you too, Levi.

At around 7 am, I woke up the next morning to some really heavy snoring and I think I knew exactly where it was coming from. I got out of bed and groggily walked over to the room right beside mine.

"Levi, please stop snoring," I whisper yelled and he just furrowed his eyebrows and turning his head so it was buried by the pillow.

At least the snoring stopped.

I heard a door opening and I looked down the hall to see my mum coming out of her room in her work clothes and big black bags under her eyes.

"what are you doing up?" she asked slyly,

"trying to get Levi to shut up," I muttered tired,

she just nodded at me and then walked past me to leave the house. Without any goodbye, she left the house and that was that.

I pushed the door to my room open a bit more and then almost fell on my bed because I was so tired from being rudely awakened by snoring.

Quickly, I fell into a really deep sleep for another few hours.


when I woke up a few hours later, I was not rudely awakened by instead I woke up against my own will.

I pulled on some jeans that I had on top of my dresser and then headed downstairs with my hair looking very nest-like.

"good morning Scar," a happy Levi said as I made my way to the kitchen,

"why are you so happy? It's nine am," I said and then grabbed some cereal from the cupboard and poured myself a bowl.

"thanks for last night," he said out of the blue as I was about to take my first spoonful of the cereal,

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