5: wait, what?

61 4 2

in total, the journey took around 20 minutes from my house to the dance studio, I could feel myself tense up as we pulled into the lot with only a few cars in it, 

"do you remember how to park?" my mum asked as she peered above the dashboard. 

"yes... I did it only a an hour ago coming home..." I said in a triumphant tone. 

"ok then... forward," she directed as I pulled up next to a huge SUV, 

"well done." 

my mum knew that I was perfectly capable of driving by myself but she just wanted to get a few more seconds of help in when I'm driving because her motto is 'ever second used is not a waste of time but an influence to your future'. it took me a few years to understand why she would always make me do pirouettes around the house and when I did realize I thought it was very inspirational, but after a while it got boring hearing it shouted at me as I practiced jetes and even more pirouettes. my dance teacher even started saying it after spending too much time with my mum.

I got out of the car, locked the doors and made my way to the entrance with my mum trailing behind. the building was a sand color and looked a lot like a run-down store but inside there were 3 gorgeous dance rooms and a huge music room, they were going to add a wresting ring in here but after some complaints of everything being too load, they dropped the idea which made my brother very mad. my mum headed over to the receptionist and handed over the slip saying that we had permission to use studio 2 without paying (mainly because an old friend of hers ran the place, she had lots of friends surprisingly). I scanned my eyes over the interior of the reception and looked over at the pin board where I picked up a few leaflets and shoved them in my bag.

"come on then," my mum said as she pressed my bag for me to walk in, I had been reading a leaflet about adopting animals and was only half way through the first side before I was whisked away to go and dance (joy!).

I placed my bag on the floor and slipped into my ballet pumps. I tightened my ponytail and twirled it around my finger to put into an easy bun.

"come on... we need to stretch," my mum said as she stood in front of me with a hand on her hip waiting, 

"well, you need to stretch, I'm as good as ever," I said in a jokey tone, 

"oh ha-ha," she said blatantly being sarcastic, "just come on, we need to practice this routine of yours." 

I sighed and remembered that I was doing this for her so I grin and bared it and got on with the routine.

after around an hour of dancing the same routine over and over again, I took a break to check my phone and take gulps of water. I had a text from Jason,

guess who wants your number... Levi

me: why? don't give it to him!

I replied to his message hoping that he would turn into a protective brother and not give him my number, I also had a message from Gabby asking if I was in and I had to say that I would be there in about two hours if she wanted to come over. finally, I had a text from Noah asking about Levi and if he had given me my pen back to which I replied with yes and the fact that I had to go as I was dancing, I ended the message with a sad face and an SOS emoji which I didn't know existed until I searched for it.

my mum didn't really do much dancing and instead she sort of directed me from the sheet that she had somehow managed to get ahold of from Miss Prince. she tried to going in herself a few times but trailed behind as she hadn't danced in about 5 years and she wasn't too young any more, she was now 45 and a nutritionist so as you could probably tell, that's why she had hidden all of the sugary cereal from me and why I was on a 'special' diet which mainly consisted of green beans and spinach. she had tied her blonde hair back into a ponytail but it was more of a low ponytail rather than a high ponytail like mine was before I put it in a bun,

"oh, I asked Damien to make you a costume for your next show in 2 weeks," she blurted as I practiced my plies, 

"what show?" I asked stunned by the fact that she had even booked me a show, 

"oh you know," she was stalling, "just a small show in LA, nothing major," she was bluffing, "I also planned on Danny, Damien's brother, dancing with you but he is stuck in New York doing a major competition," she was being sneaking and planning things behind my back and she could clearly tell that I was not happy about the show. 

"since when!?" I shouted, "why am I doing a show? I haven't even been back longer than a day and you're already booking me shows with some stuck up, prissy dancer!" I questioned as I picked up my bag and flung the door open. 

"Scarlett! Scarlett wait!" she said as she followed me out of the room with her bag over her shoulder, 

"why is it a big deal?" she said as she caught up with me and pulled my shoulder to spin me around.

 "because I don't want to dance!" I blurted out and instantly covered my mouth realizing what I had done as I saw my mum's eyes fill with remorse and hatred. 

"what," she said quietly. 

"I don't want to dance anymore... I'm sorry but I can't," I said as I looked down at the floor. 

"oh..." she said as she walked off. 

"mum wait! it doesn't mean that I won't," I said trying to get her attention. 

"you shouldn't have to do something you don't want to but if you insist on doing it then you should, you're an amazing dancer and I don't want you to stop..." she said as she turned back around with her eyes welled up with water. 

"I will... I can mum and I will," I said as I rushed towards her and hugged her. what just happened? 

I got annoyed at her making plans to do with me, 

blurted out a huge secret, 

made my mum cry and then apologized and promised I would do what I hated... 


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