11: do not

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the next morning i woke up to my alarm blaring music out to indicate that i needed to get up. i skipped the shower as i was really tired and got dressed straight away. 

last night kept replaying in my head. the fact that i kissed a boy that liked me and then i made a bet with Levi, 

i wonder if he remembered...

when i received a text from him an hour later, i realised that he did remember every. single. part. 

Levi: hey baby... ready to be my girlfriend? you might have to tell Craig to back off in 2 months as you'll be mine ;) xx

that definitely meant that he remembered. 

i rolled my eyes as i reread the message over and over, he wasn't being serious last night was he?

Me: carry on dreaming... Craig can stay as he is as there will be no 'us'. 

i sent the message and felt a million times better than what i did before. 

i decided to phone Gabby to see how she was holding up after last night,

"hey Gabs," i said as she picked up the phone,

"quit yelling... i have had enough and i am never drinking again," she said as she made a strange hiccup/burp noise,

"er, are you okay?" i asked concerned about her,

"oh... no not really," she whispered. 

"okay well... i don't really want to be having a conversation with you if your about to throw up." i said to her as nice as possible,

"dont blame you, have fun at dance," she said and then hung up. 

i stood up and went over to join my dance teacher who was leaning up against the small stereo on a table, "ready?" she asked as i walked over, i nodded and proceeded to dance my way around the place.

"you need to practice more, i told your mother about your lack of improvement and she said she would sort it? why hasn't it been sorted?" she questioned as she narrowed her eyes,

"I'm sorry but I'm losing interest," i said truthfully.

"not good enough... i expect more from a champion," she said as she stood up straight and grabber her bag,

"I'm barely that," i muttered under my breath but she heard, 

"if your having doubts... just know that your an amazing dancer, you just need to find your muse again... thats all," she said as she came over and patter me on the back. 

"thanks," i said smiling, 

i picked up my bag after a 3 hour dance session and headed out to the carpark. i was expecting to see my mum sitting in her car but there was no-one. i grabbed my phone from my bag after rummaging around to get it and dialled what i thought was her number,

i didn't bother saying hello and i just cut straight to the point.

"where are you? you said you would pick me up when dance was over?" i asked through the phone,

"Scar?" a voice questioned, "i think you have the wrong number," Levi said with a slight joyfulness to his voice, 

"oh, sorry i meant to call my mum," i said back to him with a slight stutter, 

"its okay Scar... ill come pick you up if you need... anything for my girl," he said and i could just imagine his egotistic wink right about now.

"no... but thanks for the offer," i said blatantly,

"good because i just got back from the gym and i don't think you would appreciate a glistening shirtless guy coming to your rescue," he said and then there was a long pause, "oh and yeah... i do work out shirtless," he said as he elongated the last word. 

"uh, i don't care," i chocked out and heard his laughter straight away,

"Craig called me earlier," he said breaking the laughter,

"and?" i questioned,

"he was buzzing about the fact that you kissed him," he said in a cheesy tone. 

"aww, well at least he's the only one going to be kissing them for a long time," i said trying to play his game but i sadly failed.

"Scar... have you forgotten already? your mine in 2 months," he said with another laugh in his tone. 

i rolled my eyes and tried to brush him off.

"anyway, my mums just got here," i said pretending that her car had pulled up into the parking lot.

"whatever, bye Scar," he said and then hung up.



i got home after a silent ride home. ever since i opened up to her about loosing interest in dance, she had been quieter and the two of us hadn't talked too much. 

"hello sister," Jason said as i came to sit next to him on the couch.

i acknowledged him by smiling.

"you look dead," he said once our mum had disappeared into her office space.

"ugh, i feel dead," i sighed as i slumped further into the couch. 

"just tell her!" he pleaded,

"i have! i even told my teacher today but they both keep brushing me off like I'm nothing," i said pouting. 

Jason sighed and crossed his arms. 

"well, at least have a shower..." he said as he inched further away from me.

"fine," i tutted and got up to go an have a shower,

as i got half way up the stairs he shouted something, "please win that bet... you are not allowed to date Levi,"

oh brother, dont worry... I'm going to win and he will be sorry he ever made that promise in the first place. 

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