9: innuendos

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"you two do realise the time?" she said facing the black TV like something from a horror movie,

"yes... it is eleven," Jason said in a sarcastic tone,

"not my point Jay... you two have school tomorrow and who was that boy?" she asked us standing up and walking over to the two of us standing by the door, i checked around for an escape route but Jason was blocking the stairway and mum was now standing to the side of him.

"that was Levi, one of my mates," Jason said as she bent down to take off his shoes, i did the same trying to act normal even though i felt nervous for some reason,

she narrowed her eyes and looked up and down me, "go to bed Scarlett... you look like you need it," 

i nodded and hurried up the stairs after putting my shoes to the side, i heard some muffled voices that were my brother and mother talking but i couldn't hear properly as my door was shut and i just wanted to sleep, i had had a long day.

i woke up the next morning and hopped into the shower on time much to my brothers disbelief.

when i was done in the bathroom, i walked out and put all of my dance stuff into a bag ready for practise at lunch, i put the same clothes on as they day before and slipped on my converse which i was definitely in love with. 

mum had to go and pick up Ally from the carer so she wasn't there to monitor what i had for breakfast. i fished out the cereal and poured myself a bowl and devoured every piece of sugary goodness. i poured myself a glass of apple juice that was gone within seconds. 

Jason came clambering down the stairs and knocked one on his way into the kitchen,

"sorry Red," he said as he opened the fridge and pulled out the milk carton and took a swig,

"whatever..." i sighed,

"hey, whats the matter," he said as he put the carton back and came over with a piece of cold toast that mum must have left on the side when she was making her toast,

"one, dont drink out of the carton... its gross, two, eating cold toast is also gross and three, I'm bored of dance," i said as i swirled the spoon around in the milk left over from the cereal,

"wow!" he said backing up, "touchy subject that is meant for mum..." he said as he grabbed his bag, 

i sighed again and got up to put my dish away,

"oh yeah, if you want a lift hurry up... Levi will be here in a minute," he said as he slipped his shoes on and checked his phone, 

i rolled my eyes and shrugged, "nah... ill get the bus," i said as i went over to get my bag. 

"suit yourself," he said as he headed out of the door with me following behind, 

Levi was in his car waiting outside our house with the roof down since it was a nice day,

"hey!" he shouted at Jason,

"hey," Jason replied back, 

i wandered off towards the bus stop but a few minutes later i heard a car slow down near me. a lot of thoughts went through my head such as 'maybe I'm being kidnapped' and 'I'm going to be killed' but i turned around to see Levi with his arm hanging out of the car and his head facing me as he slowed down to a walking speed,

"you want to get in?" he asked in a neutral tone,

"no thanks, I'm fine walking," i said trying to speed up,

"get in," Levi ordered,

"come on Red...get in," Jason said as his head swooped for me to see his face,

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