3: excuse you?

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I ended up seeing his eye color. It was a gorgeous grey color with flecks of blue. I didn't get a proper look but I was pretty sure his eyes are grey. 100%.

"Did you get a look at his face?" Kate said as she sat down with her sandwich in her hand. 

"Yeah... Nothing special," I lied. 

"You're such a liar!" she squealed, 

"Well... I don't think has cute," I lied again.

 And once again, she called me a liar. 

It was the same most days. She would say a guy was cute, I would deny it and so on and so on. Gabby came to join us about 5 minutes later with Noah who had been trying to speak to some guy in her math class and needed Gabby's assistance or she would've died on the spot, she can't handle guys.

"Have fun over there?" I asked Noah teasingly. She didn't take it very well. 

"Yes actually..." She said holding her head up high in defense. Ok then.

"I'm going to go in a minute... Have dance," I said as I gathered my stuff up and they all said their goodbyes, 

"Oh!" I said as I remembered something, "Don't forgot to meet me at my car at 3... I'm taking you home remember?" I said to Gabby to which she replied with a nod.

I made my way down to the dance studio and got changed in the changing rooms. I put on my black leotard and pink ballet leggings. I put my hair in a bun or I would've been slaughtered by the teacher (not my mum this time). I tied up my ballet points and walked into the studio. Miss had been waiting for me for around 5 minutes and she had a very stern look on her face. 

"Where have you been?" she questioned, 

"I was getting ready and I had lunch..." I replied as I put my bag on the floor and adjusted my leotard. 

"Wrong uniform," she snapped,

 I looked down at myself and wondered what she meant and then it hit me, I didn't need my points today and I had just wasted 5 minutes of my precious lunch/practice time tying up the ribbon. 

"Oh shit," I muttered, 

"Language!" She bellowed. 

I was only ever told off by Miss Prince at school because she was the strictest teacher ever. She taught ballet. not just any ballet, competitive ballet (it's not a thing but she calls it that). 

"Sorry miss," I muttered before scrambling to untie my shoes.

After a few seconds of tugging at the pink ribbon I slipped them off of my feet and stuck my feet into the elastic flats and losing my balance slightly in the process. 

"You balance is terrible," Miss pointed out as I stumbled and stood up. 

"It's been 2 weeks since I last danced," I answered back, 

"Now..." she said brushing it off, "demi-plie," and I did exactly that.

I went through the entire routine that I had mastered before the break and she criticized everything I did. Miss Prince was a self-esteem reducer and if you had an open heart, you would've cried the minute she said one thing to you. Over the years of her teaching me I have grown to brush off the criticism that comes out of her mouth and just to ignore all of it. Sadly, now what most people say to me I brush off which has caused me to get into a lot of trouble with friends, especially if I've said something wrong and they retaliate, it has no effect on me what so ever. I was a bit like an emotional wall and the complaints were a ball and it just bounced right off without leaving a mark.

"If you don't pick that leg up I will chop it OFF!" She bellowed at me as I was practicing my pitch kicks. 

"Higher! You can do so much better!" I think that was the nicest thing she said to me in the entire half hour of ballet practice. 

"Fouette!" She shouted as I pivoted on my left leg and shot around in a repeated motion, 

"Fouette! Fouette! Fouette!" She shouted some more, "Jouette jete!" She then shouted after I had begun to feel dizzy.

After the practice was over I stayed in the studio for a while, I practiced my dance as I knew that miss would shout at me tomorrow if I did not. There was still another 20 minutes left of lunch and I didn't feel up to going back to my friends so I stayed. I stayed in the comfort of my beloved dance studio where I had been practicing for around 2 years now. I used to go to the other dance studio in this school when I was much younger as my mum was a dancer and took me to practice. I'd watch her in amazement and she flung herself around the room whilst still looking as delicate as a feather. she was the reason I took on dancing and I loved her for it but sometimes I needed a break from everything. the holidays where bliss but I'd rather my life always be like that if I'm honest.

Suddenly, I didn't know what to do. I was frozen in his gaze. This random guy dressed in mainly leather and black clothes had been watching me dancing for around 20 minutes and my ability to confront him had faded as I packed up my things in embarrassment. 

"It was great," he said as I walked passed him to get some air from my embarrassment, "I'd never pin you as a dancer," he said. Then he grabbed my arm.

 Oh, great. 

Just great.

"Why the hell have you been watching me?" I asked him as I turned around feeling as red as ever. 

"I got lost..." he said, 


"No you didn't..." I said as my eyes narrowed, 

"I thought you were too cool for school anyway?" I asked him which caused him to scratch the back of his neck, 

"I'm...uh... a bad boy, not too cool for school..." he said with a smirk. 

"Whatever," I said as I hurried off to go to class. 

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