22: the floor

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I turned onto the road of the address Levi sent me and it turned out to be a run-down bar. A really run-down bar.

I got out of the car after parking a street over because I was pretty scared to be here, let alone park here. It was pretty dark out now so I brought hooded jacket with me to keep me warm.

I instantly saw Levi standing outside leaning against a wooden column beside the 'Happy Hour' sign of the bar.

"Scar, thank goodness you're here," he said thankful,

"yeah, can we go now?" I asked him as I edged towards my car,

"what? No... you're here to dance," he said with a grin on his face,

"what-" I said exasperatedly,

he looked at me and nodded slowly by largely,

"no," I said bluntly and turned around to leave,

"wait," he said grabbing my arm.

Déjà vu anyone?

"what?" I asked bitterly, "you don't text me or call me for a week and then you expect me to dance in your stupid little crew thing," I say sadly,

"I know, I was an idiot but my life is kind of on the line right now," he said as he released my arm,

"sure it is," I agreed sarcastically,

"I really need you Scar," he said with sad eyes,

"Levi, don't," I said quietly,

"no... I will because I do need you. I need you to trust me and do this," he said as he gained inches on me.

I sighed and looked up into his eyes before smiling.

Where did that smirking jerk go that pestered me for a month? He seems to have morphed into a really sweet guy in a split second. Maybe my influence was working on him.

"sure," I said and then took his hand so he could lead me inside,

"put your hood up. People can't know you're a girl," he said casually,

"excuse me?" I said and raised an eyebrow,

"this is kind of a bad place... filled with the most cliché bad guys. Heavily tatted, 200 pound bearded guys. It's not safe for even me let alone you," he said scaring me.

As soon as he said that, I put my hood up and kept my head low.

"you owe me big time Jackson," I said to him,

"oh, Jackson... I like it," he teased,

and the jerk was back to his innuendo ways.

"this way," he tugged my arm and led me to the nosiest bar ever.

"this" he said as he opened his arms, "is hell," he said smirking at me.

"have my ways not taught you anything?" I asked as I continued to keep my head low as he lead me through giants and monsters of people.

There was a small doorway that had some stairs leading down to it that Levi directed me down and then opened the small purple door at the bottom. From the outside, I could hear the noise pounding through the walls and it made me feel a bit sick to be honest.

The door swung open with a small push and there were two guys on either side of the door to greet us. Levi pulled my hood down and I averted my gaze to the giant bars that caged a black and white dance floor that was layer out like a chess board.

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