27: unexpectedness

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"what am I going to wear?" I panicked as I searched through my wardrobe to try to find something decent to wear to make Chase drop to his knees,

"how about this with this?" Kate suggested holding up a black leotard and a red bille skirt,

"I dance in those clothes," I said pointing up to the pin board with a picture of me in the exact outfit on points.

"oh... I see," she said glancing over at the picture.

"what am I going to wear!" I groaned as I fell back into my bed and pouted,

"I have no idea," Gabby murmured as she flipped through a magazine.

"why don't you look yourself? After all, this is your wardrobe." Kate sighed,

"fine." I said standing up and going over to my array of dance clothing and everyday clothing.

"now, we're going to go home to get ready and we'll see you at half six," Gabby said putting down the magazine and grabbing her coat off of the side table.

"bye then," I brushed off and opening the door to let them out.

When I got back into my bedroom, I assessed everything I had in my wardrobe and started off with a simple pair of black jeans which I then ended up switching to a nice, black skirt with a pair of black opaque tights. After trying on about 5 different tops, I ended up chosing a simple halter neck top in a navy blue which I then covered up with a semi-sheer kimono that was also black.

I trotted down the stairs feeling like I had stepped right out of the 90's with my dark choice of colours and my one-inch platform shoes. On the way down, I said hello and goodbye to my mother before all of the questioning started.

"where are you going?" she asked me not looking me in the eyes,

"Gabby and Kate invited me to this party round her Gran's house," as I said this, I thought I had made the biggest save of my entire life.

"well... alright then but don't be too late and take your brother as well," she said gesturing to my brother who was standing by the mirror gelling his hair back so it was slick back with his shaven sides that my mum complained made him look like he was from a gangster movie.

"he's going to a party round Chase's," she said with a gallant smile,

I glared at him with my mouth hanging open because I never thought that in a million years she would ever let him go out with Chase ever since the whole pregnancy thing.

"off you go," she ushered us,

"we'll be back at 11!" he shouted before we left the house,

"how the hell did you get away with that?" I asked him as we sat on the porch and waited for our friends to come and pick us up.

"who's coming to get you?" he asked me after he sat on his phone for a few minutes,

"um," I thought back to my plans for someone taking me to the party, "I never actually sorted anything out," I mumbled,

"sorry Red... I'm going to need you to speak up," Jason said with a smug look on his face,

"no-one! No-one is coming to pick me up!" I shouted but not too loud that our mum came to inspect what was going on,

"tut tut tut... how could you forget a detail like that," Jason shook his head.

"can't you just get airhead Alex to pick me up with you?" I said brushing him off in the stubborn way I do,

"only if you mean Levi instead of Alex then maybe I can sort something out," his tone was full of judgement for some stupid reason,

"well thanks," I said feeling like it was the first time in forever,

"no problem," he said as the infamous Dodge pulled up with the headlights beaming in the darkness.

"get in losers! We're going shopping!" Levi shouted from the driver's seat with a beaming smile,

"someone's happy," I murmured when I squeezed into the backseat of the muscle car.

"did you get my reference? You know... the mean girls thing?" he said as he pulled out of the road,

"yeah I got it," I said before we drove off into the night time and off into the abyss of teenage night life.


"I'm not the biggest party person... you remember last time, right?" I asked shocked,

"yep so you better enjoy it this time," Levi said leading me into the house with Jason following close,

"I'm going to go and find Gabby and Kate, do you guys want anything?" I asked the two of them,

"I'll come with you to... you know, get some drinks," Levi said with another smile.

Why was he so smiley all of a sudden?

"okay then," I said taking up his offer.

"did you bring a book by any chance?" Levi asked me quietly as he lowered his chin slightly,

"yeah... there's one in my bag," I said to him,

"okay," he said unzipping my bag and pulling the sides apart to look inside, he rustled past feminine hygiene products which made my eyes widen but shrink back as he showed no care to the pads.

"this one?" he asked me as he flipped through the 3 books that I had stored in there,

"go wild," I said to him as he walked off to sit in an armchair with a light near it.

"hey! Scarlett! Is that you?" I heard a familiar voice shout,

I turned around to see Craig standing there with no braces and a new haircut,

"hi," I said back as I looked for places to escape to,

"what's gotten into Levi? He hasn't kissed any girls tonight," Craig asked as he took another sip of beer,

"oh nothing much," I said looking over at him in his classic leathers with slightly gelled hair.

He was acting a bit weird wasn't he?

"so... do you want to dance?" Craig asked and just as I was about to say no, there was an arm being wrapped around my shoulder and answering for me,

"no she does not Craig... my girlfriend is dancing with me," Levi said to him as he pulled me away to his reading corner and sat me down in the other chair,

"I'm getting a serious case of déjà vu." I laughed to him,

"yeah... this is a bit weird isn't it?" he asked rhetorically,

"I'll say... just under 3 months ago we were sat in a really similar setting to this one and talking about my impressions on you," I recalled,

"yeah you've made quite a difference," he said looking straight at me,

"oh yeah and thanks for saving me back there... Craig is not the one I want to be seeing right now," I sighed,

"no problem." He said still looking at me,

"what?" I asked him as he leaned in a tiny bit,

"why are you looking at me like that?" I asked with my brows furrowed,

"I think... I think I want to kiss you-" Levi said but cut himself off with a meaningful kiss that felt like there were a million volts of electricity powering through my lips as he did so,

he pulled away after a sweet kiss without tongues or anything but lips.

"Levi... I..."

"no, don't say anything, I don't know why I did that," he said as his hands instantly scraped the back of his neck.


"I have to go..." he said getting up hastily and dropping the book that was sitting in his lap,

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