20: this is JED

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"trust me Jason, its not as bad as it sounds," i confess,

"are you sure? it sounds pretty bad to me!" he exclaims,

"it was the weekend when you and mum were away, he came over and we went to the park with Ally. then we watched a movie," i said like it was nothing,

"sure, I'm so telling mum!" he exclaims before leaving my room and slamming my door,

"great," i mutter to myself,

now what the heck do i do?

a few minutes later, I'm called downstairs by Jason because he obviously realised he was being an idiot,

"yes brother," i say to him politely,

"i think you should go and visit Levi," he said to me,

come again?

"what? no way!" i exclaim.

"do it," he said harshly,

i sigh and my shoulders slump forward, "fine," i say and shake my shoulders in retaliation hoping he'll not make me go,

"ill drive you," he said with a grin on his face, obviously loving my miserableness.

i sigh once more and grab my stuff to go over to Levi's house, 

"oh and remember, you have to apologise to him face to face," Jason said just as i was about to open the door to leave the house. he emphasised the ending my putting two fingers near my eyes and then turning his hand so they were facing his eyes. 

'face to face' i kept repeating in my head as i walked out to the car in some flip-flops and a t-shirt dress that i found in the back of my wardrobe.

i hopped into our mum's car, as she carpooled to work with one of her colleagues, and sat in the passenger seat letting Jason drive. in other words, i was giving him the devil a great opportunity to end my life to stop this dreaded conversation from happening. 

as we edged closer to his house i felt my hands become sweaty as i feared the fact he might punch me or something. I've seen his punching Marco and i did not want that to happen to my face. when we eventually pulled up outside his house, i noticed that his car was in the driveway meaning that he was probably home.

"huh, his bikes gone," Jason points out,

"bicycle?" i ask with a laugh from the fact that Levi would probably ever ride a bike,

"no," he said and tuts, "his motorbike," Jason said and raises an eyebrow like I'm meant to remember his motorcycle.

"oh, that makes more sense," i say and nod at my naiveness. 

"go on, get out," Jason said hurrying me out of the car to go to the front door.

i take a deep breath and get out of the car and make my way to the front door. i stood in front of the door and knocked three times. the door opened and it was his sister, Jade, who answered the door.

"oh, hey Scar," she said when she saw me,

"it's Scarlett," i correct her,

"oh, sorry," she said back,

"uh, is Levi in?" i asked her politely,

"yeah, he's in the annex," she said and then went on for a little bit but i became distracted by the fact that i saw the most amazing collection of trophies in the front room that i could see though the door.

"oh, okay-thanks," i said and made my way out to the gate. 

i walked along the stone pathway and made my way up to the annex at the back of the garden. there was loud music coming from inside and there was also lots of stomping around. i furrowed my eyebrows as i gained feet on my walk to the annex. the music became louder and when i got there, i could tell which song it was. 

i opened the doors, which were glass and now covered with a blind, and the music became a lot louder. i walked in and i saw the best sight in the world. there was a group of people in a triangular formation dancing fluently to the beat of the music. it was almost as if they were professional dancers that had broken into Levi's annex.

 my moth fell open when i saw who was at the tip of the triangle shirtless; Levi. he moved so swiftly into each dance move and i could tell it was street dance by the krumping and the popping. 

i knew he saw me because they were facing the mirrored wall at the back and as he looked up from dancing, his gaze fell straight at me. the music stopped when he pressed a button on the wall, which was very impressive, and he made his way over to me.

"don't you know how to knock?" he yelled at me,

"what! you can freaking dance!" i said astoundedly,

"yeah?" he says as if a question,

"why the hell didn't you tell me!" i exclaim as he apologised to the people in the room, who were getting very annoyed by the situation, and dragged me outside. 

"you know, what the hell are you doing here? didn't my sister tell you to knock?" he says annoyed,

"i came to apologise for today and she may have but i got distracted," i confessed,

"distracted?" he says unimpressed, "what, by something shiny," he said annoyed,

"well, the trophy collection that's in your lounge," i said and narrowed my eyes, "they're your trophies!" i say in realisation. "tell me what the hell is going on Levi," i demand,

"jesus," he muttered to himself annoyed, "okay, i accept you apology but you have to keep this a secret-" 

"you accept?" i ask cutting him off,

"do you want to hear it or not?" he asked getting ticked off,

"sorry," i say quietly,

he sighs and tells me his secret, "this is JED," he said, "this is the Justice Elite Dance," he said to me,

"the group you left?" i asked his confused,

"well, kind of, after seeing you dance it made me feel lost without them, so here i am. dancing with my crew once more," he said and used his arms to dramatise everything.

"wow, this is amazing," i said grinning,

he narrowed his eyes at me, "why?" he asked sceptically,

"well, you can be my partner in dance competitions!" i said happily,

"what? no," he said and shook his head,

"come on! you clearly know what you're doing and there is this massive competition coming up in a few weeks and-" 

"i am not dancing with you in a competition," he states and walked back into the annex leaving me.

well, i could've handled that better,

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