28: Chase

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the minute that he got up to leave my mind went into over drive.

What was that?

Why did he leave?

And finally...

Why was it good?!

"hey... Red... where did Levi go?" Jason asked me as I sat there with wide eyes and brows furrowed,

"um, I really don't know," I said confused,

"but he was just here talking to you," he said with his palms spread out,"

"yeah... talking," I muttered

"what?" he shouted from the volume of the music,

"nothing! Go look for him outside," I said to him pointing in whatever direction because the past minute or so had been a major blur to me.

"has he had anything to drink?" Jason asked me before he headed off,

surprisingly, "no."

"strange... now I think about it, he hasn't really been drinking that much recently or making any kind of stupid joke," he reflected,

"okay..." I said before he headed off in the complete opposite direction before I thought about it.

I stood up and started my hunt to look for the best person when it came to advice, Kate.

Gabby would've been my best choice but she was only good for one thing really, gabbing.

I weaved through the crowds just like earlier and made my search for Kate in this mansion of a house.

A few times I walked past Chase who was always standing alone. Shame. I really did feel quite bad for him because at the end of the day. He's messed up quite a lot in the past few months. Almost 2 months to be exact.

Eventually, after walking around in circles, I went over to see if he was okay,

"Chase?" I asked trying to get in his eye sight,

"oh, hey Red," he smiled small.

"you okay? You're kind of on your own," I stated,

"you don't say," he murmured which made me feel pretty mad since he was everything everyone told me he was.

A major tool.

I took a deep breath and then assessed my choices:

Blow my cool and get really annoyed at him,

Silently walk away and mutter things under my breath,

Or, make out with him on the spot.

Very different choices I must say.

Once again, I took a deep breath and made my choice,

"you know what Chase," I started articulating the 'C'.

"wait, wait, wait, before you shout, please just hear me out. The reason I turned you down before break was because I had found out that what's her face was preggo and I couldn't ditch her," he said in a 'duh' tone.

"as I was saying... actually, no. as you said 'what's her face' I thought that maybe this bone head does not disserve to date anyone apart from their mirror if you can't even remember the mother or your child's name. so, goodbye Chase and have an amazing career being a dropout."

That felt really, really good.

As I turned around to flip my hair in his face, I saw the unspeakable.

The dreaded thing I ever thought I would see in one night.

The person I had been searching for this entire time pushed up against the half wall with the person who I was developing a major crush for by the second.

Kate and Levi.

Actually, he was pushed up against the wall with one of his hands on her lower back and the other one clutching a bouquet of roses with a small white envelope with some italic writing on it.

It probably said Kate.

"I feel so bad for you Scar," Chase said creeping up behind me,

"don't call me that," I spat while my eyes started to fill up with tears.

"call you what? Red... I've always called you that," Chase said sounding puzzled,

"but you said Scar," I said confused,

"no I didn't," he laughed placing a hand pushing my hair behind my ear,

I turned back around to see the couple kissing and they had just split apart because Levi was wiping his face clean from her saliva.

I swallowed hard and pushed my shoulders back as soon as Levi's gaze hit mine. My bottom lip quivered as he faced me and his mouth fell out while his arm extended out to reach to me over the other side of the room.

I shook my head and turned away to walk out of the building.

Soon after, Levi appeared behind me shouting my name which riled me up astonishingly,

"what!" I shouted, "what the hell do you want now?"

"I am so, so sorry," he said tucking his top lip in,

"bit late for that don't you think," I sighed,

"we're not even dating!" he randomly exclaimed,

"and! What's that got to do with it?" I gasped, "you kissed me and then I turn around and see you with your face pancaked on to hers! My best friends!" I exclaimed once again,

"I know!" he screamed back to me and then ran his hands through his hair looking as if it was going to rip out,

I stood there in silence outside in the summer heat.

"I think this should be it." I said looking at the floor,

"it? What's 'it'?" he said shaking his head,

"no more bet, no more dance, no more talking Levi.... I like you and this isn't fair on either of us so let's just leave it, yeah?" I sighed and wiped both of my eyes with the back of my hand probably making my eyeliner run down my face,

"no Scar, no you can't do this," he pleaded,

"I think you made yourself very clear with your face plastered onto hers, don't you think?" I grimaced,

"I'm sorry,"

"goodbye Levi,"

"I'm sorry,"


I walked off back into the house and straight up the stairs to freshen up since I didn't have much way of getting home.

I ended up sitting on the floor in one of the bathroom and telling people to leave whenever they knocked on the door.

"Scarlett? It's me... Kate," a familiar voice sounded,

'please leave," I asked nicely as I felt the tears fall down my face again,

"I'll get Gabby," she said and then there was no one there.

And she never turned up again.

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