26: empty pegs

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"I don't know how you could ride that bike, I would've died," I said when Levi got off of his bike and pulled of the helmet letting his hair fall silently,

"good think I didn't die," he said with a grin,

"I guess so," I muttered and walked off to find Kate and Gabby cooing at Alex as he pouted and gave them the 'smolder'.

"they're so stuck," Levi said catching up with me,

"I'll say," I said shortly as I cut through the three of them and opened my front door,

Jason was standing from afar rolling his eyes at Alex and then following me into our house.

"how does he do it?" he asked shaking his head,

"it's the look, he gives them that tacky Disney look," Levi said taking off his leather jacket and hanging on an empty peg,

"by Disney you mean...?" Jason asked with a raised eyebrow,

I looked between the two of them and waited for Levi's response,

"come on guys, get in," Levi said avoiding the question and shuffling the love triangle into the hallway.

The three of them were ushered into the house but neither of my friends took their eyes off of Alex and waddled into the house gazing up at him.

"you're not avoiding the question that easily," Jason said to him as he moved over to where Levi was standing so Levi could hear him better,

"what question?" he asked acting oblivious,

"you know exactly which one," I said to him with a raised eyebrow,

Levi sighed and finally answered, "Tangled," he muttered,

"sorry? I couldn't hear that?" Jason asked cupping his ear,


"one more time?" I asked him teasingly,

"Tangled! Okay, Tangled!" Levi said with his brows raised and his arms being thrown up into the air,

finally, Levi managed to get Kate and Gabby's attention by shouting this because both of their heads whipped around,

"Tangled? Does Levi watch Disney?"

"whoa, I love that movie!"

Gabby started to laugh when Levi blushed a bit and Kate pouted at him,

"I think it's cute... at least he has a soft side," Kate joked,

"oh come on guys... give him a break," I said ignoring their comments and moving through to the kitchen,

"thank you... it's not weird that I watch Disney," Levi defended,

"not at all..." I agreed with him, "and anyway... Jason does too,"

"really?" Levi asked sounding enthusiastic about his new information,

"shut up!"

"aww... is Jason getting annoyed?" Levi pouted and cooed at him,

"just a bit," Jason muttered back,

whilst those two argued, I checked back on the tree people who were having some sort of flirting triangle.

"Alex, how often do you go to the gym?"

"I heard that guys who go to the gym are really healthy,"

"something like that," Alex said in return to the two of them,

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