25: ripped jean leg

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who was Alex?

That's all I could think about up until the point where the doorbell rang and Levi stood up eagerly,

I awaited a female voice but one didn't follow.

It was a male voice.

"dude! It's good to see you!" Levi exclaimed as he pulled the blonde man in for a bro hug.

"you too," he replied with a thick Australian accent.

Kate glared at me and mothed 'Australian' to me before turning her head and looking at him, 'hot Australian' she then mouthed to me.

"you must be Scar," he said to Kate as she smiled at him giddily,

"actually, I am." I said to him as I addressed myself,

"oh sorry," he said with a laugh and then put down a small rucksack and hopped on the sofa.

Sure, make yourself at home.

Everyone introduced themselves besides Kate because she was too gob smacked by his face to make words come out of her mouth. She was even struggling to make a noise let alone English words.

"nice place," he said as he looked around and rested a hand on his knee.

"when's mum getting back?" Jason asked me from the other side of the living room,

"about 6." I replied shortly and then turned my gaze back to the guy sitting on my sofa telling everyone a story about a time he wrestled a shark. It was most defiantely a lie but Kate seemed really intrigued by what he was saying.

"... I looked the shark in the eye and said 'not today shark, not today' and then I swam away back to shore," he said as Kate gazed up at him Mesmerized,

Levi looked at me and we both shared a few seconds of staring until he rolled his eyes and edged his thumb towards Alex before sniggering at himself. I smiled at him from the seat and then turned my attention to the storyteller.

"so, there I was," he said as he spread his hands apart to create suspense, "face to face with the biggest tarantula I've ever seen..." he trailed off and Kate and Gabby gazed at him looking with the widest eyes ever.

"so guys," Levi stood up at he became bored of Alex's made up stories that Levi had probably heard about 5 times before, "let's go somewhere," he suggested and Jason and I nodded our heads vigorously.

The love triangle looked up at the three of us as we geared up and got ready to go out. Alex stood up and the two girls still sat there with their mouths gaping open catching flies,

"come on guys," I said as I grabbed both of their arms,

"but... but the tarantula and the, the shark with the punching," Kate mumbled as I pulled her up from her seat and lead her to the door with her free arm making a fist as she made a very poor attempt at punching the air.

"He'll tell you later, won't you Alex?" I said as I nodded my head at Alex to say yes,

"yeah, sure," he said brushing it off because the attention seeking urge inside of him had left his head.

"come on then guys... to the car," Levi said and then we all left the dark house and made our way down the driveway to Levi's muscle car.

"uh Levi," I said slowly,

"yeah?" he said turning his head to look at me after he had pulled the seat back for everyone to climb into,

"how will we all fit?" I asked him as Gabby and Kate looked comfy in the leather seats with big grins on their faces. Gabby patted the small middle seat at me and made a creepy face which made me snigger slightly,

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