16: eggs?

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when the hell were mum and Jason getting back?

i sat alone in my room after Levi and Gabby left even though Gabby was meant to sleep over but she changed her mind as soon as Levi left. 

i guess she didn't think it was fun without him

the time was half eleven and i was beginning to get worried. 

where the heck were they?

just as i sat there and my thoughts pondered, a message popped up on my phone from my brother.

Jas: stopping at hotel. meeting over-ran. see ya tomorrow.  

how nice of them to tell me sooner. 

i flopped onto my bed and sighed a sigh of relief for the fact that they were okay and hadn't been murdered or anything like that. 

i picked up my pyjamas from under my pillow and got changed before curling up into a ball and falling into an uninterrupted sleep.



Ally woke me up almost every hour because she kept having nightmares, which was strange because she had never woke me up because of a nightmare before.

maybe she woke up mum instead... that would make more sense if she did that. 

eventually when i did get back to sleep, i was awoken at 9 by a text message from Levi.

Levi: coming over. getting breakfast.

wasn't he meant to be my brothers friend?... not the person who takes me to breakfast at 9am.

i slumped out of my bed and looked in the mirror to reveal some very dark bags under my eyes.

that was officially the worst sleep of my entire life.

i walked into Ally's room to see if she was awake and she wasn't so i did what any nice sister would do.

i woke her up.

"ally... do you want to go out and get eggs?" i asked her as i bent down to shake her slightly,

she opened her tired eyes to reveal her striking blue eyes staring up at me.

"eggs?" she asked with a tired smile,

"yes, eggs... Levi is taking us for eggs," i said as i stood up and grabbed her some clothes for the day. being the fashion guru that i am (not), i picked out a pair of light wash jeans and a cute pink top with a cat on it. 

she liked it which was great.

then, i proceeded to get ready once she was down stairs watching spongebob on TV. 

i brushed my hair and shoved it up into a messy bun before applying some concealer to cover up the bags. i decided to wear some black jeans and a oversized khaki top that went down to mid-thigh. 

just as i arrived downstairs after getting changed, the doorbell rang a few times so i opened it slightly frustrated to reveal a very happy looking Levi.

maybe because he had just almost broken the freaking doorbell.

Ally got off of the sofa and ran over to Levi and grabbed his leg because she was too short to give him a proper hug.

"i don't think she's going to take after your or Jason for your height," he said with a slight laugh,

"neither do i... she's going to take after our mum i bet," i said as i looked down at her giggling into his leg like a loon.

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