15: well done Red

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i walked into the house and threw my bag on the floor before walking over to Levi who was in my kitchen making a sandwich,

"why the hell can't you tell me anything?" i questioned him with my hand on my hip waiting,

"i told you, it's nothing... just leave me alone," he muttered as he cut the sandwich in half and placed in on a plate,

"it's my house! i can't leave!" i said as i threw my hands in the air in frustration,

"fine then! i'll leave!" he said angrily. he grabbed both halves of his sandwich and stormed out of the front door.

i sighed as the door created a breeze that brushed past my hair.

well done Red. 


"come on Ally... you need to go to sleep," i moaned as Ally wriggled out of her covers and giggled at the same time,

"no!" she said stubbornly,

"seriously kid... i will staple the covers over you," i said in a serious tone,

Ally looks at me with her big eyes, the expression on her face was priceless,

"what," she stuttered out,

"oh yeah... believe me kiddo," i said as i tucked her in for the 15th time that night,

she looked up at me and her brows quivered,

"i'll go to sleep then," she said as she cozied into the sheets. 

"good night Ally," i said to her as i went to turn of the light,

"bye," she said sleepily,

i looked back at her before turning off the light, a smile played on my lips as i saw her cuddle into an elephant toy she had placed over her arm. her head was resting on the pillow and silently, i left the room after turning the lights off.

i walked down the stairs and proceeded to make myself some food. 

i cannot cook so the process of finding a makeshift meal was very fun. 

i scrambled through the cupboards to try and find some pasta or traces of edible food. in the end, i settled on making a packet of macaroni and cheese that i found in the 'cheat day' cupboard.

i kept replaying todays events in my head, the way Levi became very tense at the mentioning of JED; the way he stormed off angrily; the way he came back to my house instead of running off and finally, the way he moaned at me when i mentioned everything that happened.

my phone buzzed so i turned my attention to the phone to see what it was. 

it was Gabby,

Gabby: I'm coming over! get a movie and popcorn ready! x

i sighed as i read it because i really wasn't in the mood for a movie night with junk food. although, i do love junk food.

i looked at the message before agreeing to the movie night. 

i put the bag of sweet popcorn in the microwave until it was ready. i prepared some drinks and i also grabbed some sour sweets because they were Gabby's favourite. 

the movie i picked out was Grease, mainly because of the cheesy songs but also because it was a classic. 

the doorbell rang shorty after and i was greeted by not Gabby, but by Levi. 

"hello?" i said unsure of why he was here,

"can i come in?" he said with his hair dripping from the rain that i was oblivious to. his jacket (which was leather) had water tricking down it in small droplets. 

"well... depends," i said as i leaned on he doorframe the way he had when he opened my door, "do you like Grease?".


"i can't believe your making me watch Grease," Levi complained as he sat in the armchair with his timberland boots almost glued onto his feet.

"i didn't force you..." i said still annoyed from earlier, "anyway, Gabby will be here soon so be nice," i said to him as i placed the popcorn on the coffee table and grabbed the bottles of drink, as well as grabbing the sweets. 

Levi reached over and grabbed a handful of popcorn before instantly shoving all of it in his mouth,

"hey!" i laughed, "that's not for you," i said as i moved the bowl further away from. 

"sorry," he mouthed as he put his arms up in defeat,

a few minutes later, Gabby arrived with a bag of stuff slung over her shoulder, 

"hello friend!" she greeted me with a hug, 

her gaze landed on Levi and she looked at me and raised an eyebrow,

"who is that," she said to me quietly,

"Levi... brothers weird friend," i said making sure he heard,

"im not as weird as you Scar," he said as he grabbed more popcorn,

"if you eat all of that, you can go and get more." i sighed,

"aww, you two have pet names!" Gabby squealed as she cozied up into the sofa. 

the two of us wrapped a blanket around us and placed the bowl of popcorn between us. every now and again, Levi looked over and pouted because he wanted popcorn, i would just tell him that there is a corner shop nearby if he wanted to get stuck in the rain again, this resulted in Levi sighing.

Gabby sang her heart out to the songs and Levi glared at her until she stopped, i just laughed at the looks he was shooting her.

"that movie is the best movie ever," Gabby said as i went over and turned it off,

"remind me again of why I'm here?" Levi said as he tried to recall why he just sat through the whole of Grease,

"honestly, i don't even know why you're here, you never told me," i said as i took everything through to the kitchen. 

"well..." Levi said as he followed me through into the kitchen and Gabby stayed put, "i need to talk to you about today," he said quieter,

"and?" i asked him intently,

"i'm sorry" he said quickly,

"you're what?" i said with a slight laugh as i tried to understand everything,


"no... I'm sorry," i said trying to reason with him,

"why?" he said as he shook his head,

"because... you clearly didn't want to talk about this JED but i was determined to find out." i said as i placed the drinks into the fridge,

"yeah but thats okay, your just nosey so i get it," he said casually,

"nosey? really?" i said in disbelief,

"yeah, you're all 'tell me! tell me!'" he said in a knock-off girl voice,

"whatever," i said with a laugh,

"hurry up you two!" Gabby yelled from the other room, 

"coming," i said as i walked past Levi.

there was still one more thing on my mind...

what is JED.

what is it.

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