29: hundreds of texts

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It had been two weeks. My dance show had been and gone and our bet was completely over.

I got a message from my brother about him saying that the bet was over and that Levi had stopped picking his nails in the annoying manner he did. Good for him.

Neither of us had talked to each other since I locked myself in the bathroom after being betrayed by him and my best friend. Turns out the people you love the most can let you down.

Jason had been a great help and completely left me to myself. My mum on the other hand had given me about three lectures a day on how boys and friends let you down at the best of times, no wonder dad left her. Well, at least I wouldn't have to worry about being let down by guys since I was not planning on getting tangled in with any more until I was at least thirty.

All together I had around seventeen missed calls from Levi and hundreds of texts. Kate had not texted me at all or even acknowledged me at school.

The day when mine and Levi's bet was over, he looked at me for about five minutes in each lesson we had together.

The morning before my dance competition I decided that I would apply for a solo not a duet. That did not go down well with my mum and it was the time she found out about what happened at the party and how I am swearing off boys until I am adult enough to take the heart break. Which will probably be never.

The dance went okay I guess but I would rather had stuck to my old routine with Levi since it was unique and included different aspects of street dance and ballet.

I guess that's all over then.

I sat up in bed and assessed my surroundings.

Clothes everywhere. Old pizza box. Strange smell. This is the worst my room has ever looked.

Well, as Lorelai Gilmore says, it's good to wallow. So, hello to the ice cream tubs. My new friends will be Ben and Jerry for as long as I will remember.

My phone started to ring so I picked up and as usual, it was another one of Levi's plans to try to talk to me so I hung up to the new number and I couldn't help but feel ten times worse. Why was he doing this to me? Why does he think that it's okay to call me over and over again? Why the hell does it affect me so much?

I got out of bed after my eyes welled up and I sat there on the edge of my bed trying to decide on what todays plan was.

Cleaning the room.

Yeah, that sounded like a good plan and it was a good plan for me to get a segment of closure which I had been waiting for the past few weeks.

As I hunted through the mounds of clothes, I came across lots of things I didn't want to be reminded of. A leather jacket to be exact. Instantly, I threw it to the back of my closet and shook my head to get rid of Levi.

It worked a little bit.

Eventually I finished cleaning my room so I chucked on some new sweats and tied my greasy hair up into a bun before hurling all of my dirty stuff down to the washer. I walked blindly down the steps as the mound covered my view.

"let me help you," a stone cold voice said.

My breathing hitched as the mound was taken away from me and I the couldn't see their face but I knew exactly who it was behind the clothes.


"no," I murmured and took the hill back off of him, "get out," I said standing my ground.


"no! I'm done listening to you and your stupid ideas about shit Levi. Done." I said and stomped off to the utility room where the washing machine was.


"Levi what the heck are you doing here?" Jason asked as he practically fell down the stairs from hurrying.

"tell him to leave please," I said as I felt the tears welling up in my eyes all over again.

"Levi I think you need to-"

"no! I'm not going anywhere until I tell you what happened." He said rudely to which I stood there staring at him being held back by Jason's hand against Levi's chest. My bottom lip quivered and the horrible feeling in the back of your throat started to erupt as I tried to hold back the tears that were destined to fall.

"please," he said softly and I could tell he meant it as his eyes were tearing up as well.

The last time I saw someone truly cry when they were breaking inside was when my dad left.

The man has been gone for 2 years. I remember my mum crouched down and crying behind the couch as he held her back and said his goodbyes.

It's a bit of a Cinderella story but instead of him dying and leaving me with the step mum, he left us with the woman who gave birth to me and Jason.

Wow, that story felt good to get off of my chest.

I turned my attention back to Levi who was looking at me hopeful. I nodded gently at him and my brother let his hand fall as he shook his head and moved over to the sofa where he directed Levi to sit in the armchair that he always squatted in. I went to sit next to Jason for reassurance that I was making the right decision by hearing him out.

"Kate and I were dating." He said bluntly.

My breathing hitched once again and I felt as though a blunt knife had just been pierced through my back.

She knew everything.

She knew that I liked him.

She knew that I wanted to date him.

"she told me everything... about you liking me and the rest." He said and I kissed my teeth before tutting at the major job of backstabbing she did.

"and after we kissed... I went to find her to tell her that I felt the same way about you but she had other plans..." he said with an awkward laugh.

How could I not have known that they were dating?

How could I have been so naive?

"that's really not the way I wanted you to find out about me and Kate but I guess I thought you knew."

I'm so stupid!

"well... we weren't dating for say but we kissed quite a lot and everything she did was an act to avoid the direct thoughts of me and her hooking up."

"please leave."

"what? Scar please..."

"get out." I sternly stood up and pointed to the door before I sniffed all of the tears away.

Levi stood up sheepishly and then left as soon as I told him to.

"are you okay?" Jason asked me kindly with a 'I'm going to kill him' look in his eye,


"more ice cream?"

"no... I need you to drive me somewhere." I said blankly


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