10: game on

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when Friday rolled around, i dragged Gabby over to my house to get ready with me,

"does this look okay?" she asked me holding up a red dress against her body,

"um, it looks good yeah," i said as i fumbled around in my closet looking for clothes,

"how about purple for you," she said as she came to join me in the hunt for something decent. 

the two of us searched for a while and she even took to Pinterest to get inspiration. 

"ah ha!" she squealed as she came across the perfect party outfit which consisted of black high waisted jeans and a burgundy lace top.

"yes!" i said as i searched for some similar things. i found a navy lace top and the same jeans so that would have to do.

when we got changed, we headed over to my vanity to do our makeup.

"not too much," i said as she pulled out some brushed and a foundation bottle,

"okay.. but i have to give you some eyeliner," she said as she dabbed the foundation on my skin,

"yeah... fine but no lipstick," i said as i glanced over at the few lipsticks i had on the stand.

"ugh, fine... but lipgloss?" she said with a smile.

"fine," i signed.

when she was done, i glanced in the mirror and looked at my eyeliner which was done very well. for a couple of nerds, we could do makeup quite well if i do say so myself.  

"wow," i said as i looked closer at myself, 

"Craig is going to go crazy!" she said giddily. 

"yeah," i said standing up,

i looked at the clock on my bedside table and saw that it was almost time for Levi to pick us up.

"i still cant believe that Levi-flipping-Jackson is taking me to a party... do you have any idea how hot he is?" Gabby said as the two of us walked down the stairs.

i laughed at her as i got to the bottom of the stairs. 

"Jason! hurry up!" i shouted as i went to put on my converse. 

"no... not the converse, they're smelly and old," Gabby said with a pout on her face after she put on some heels that she brought over with her.

"yes the converse... they're the black ones so its not too bad," i said as i tied up the laces and stood up to indicate i was ready to go. 

Jason came clambering down the stairs a few moments later wearing dark jeans and a t shirt. Gabby looked up and him and then at the door.

"you ready?" i asked him as he got to the front door,

"yes now lets go," he said opening the door,

"but Levi isn't here..." i said frowning,

"then well wait..." he said closing the door and heading to the sofa.

i looked over and Gabby who shrugged, she put on her khaki jacket and i put on my biker jacket. 

Jason stood up when he heard the horn from a car being beeped, he opened the door to see Levi sitting in his car with his arm slung out the window. 

"you losers ready?" he shouted with a smile. 

i shouted to mum who was in the kitchen that we were going out and she said to be back by 12 or we would be in trouble. 

Gabby and i clambered into the backseat and then Jason got into the passenger seat. 

"dude, lets go," Jason said as Levi stalled,

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