2: new guy

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For the rest of the 20-minute journey to our school, Jason almost killed an innocent old lady at a pedestrian crossing. The lady was walking across and she dropped her bag so she bent down to pick it up and retrieve what had fallen out, then came Jason speeding down the road. I had to shout at him to break which was followed by the two of us almost getting whiplash and a heck lot of cursing. I hit him round the head and slumped back in my seat.

"I'm driving back..." I said with my heart pounding,

"Fair enough," He replied back not putting up a fight. 

"Good," I said expecting an argument, "ok," he said in return.

That was that, that was my near death experience for the day so I could cross that one off of my bucket list for today. Forget my mum killing me... Jason was going to beat her to it.

"Meet me here at 3, or your walking," I said as I got out of the car,

 Jason nodded and handed me the keys once he locked the car. 

"I think that kid likes you..." He said as he blatantly pointed at a cute boy looking at us walking in. 

"No thanks, I'd rather not go there, mum would kill me" (she would over a lot of things to be honest) I said as I shook my head and slung my bag over my shoulder. 

"Bye then..." My brother said as he wandered off to go meet his friends at the jock table. there I was, left to my own devices waiting for my friends to come wandering round the corner.

"Guys!" I said as I saw them a few meters away, 

"Hey...I was gonna' text you to tell you that I wasn't getting the bus but-" I was cut off, 

"It's ok, you're driving me home now for payback..." Gabby said with a grin on her face. 

"Really?.. But you're not the best back seat driver..." I said with a puppy face on, 

"Yes... You ditched me... It's only fair," she said as she clutched my arm and we walked in together. 

My other friends Lilly, Noah and Kate were huddled in-front of us but they were not too far away.

"Oh wow..." I said looking over at Chase's group in embarrassment. 

"Do you think everyone is still talking about it?" I ask gabby wanting a honest answer, 

"No... Of course not, they're too busy talking about how Megan got pregnant during spring break and how it could be Chase's..." Gabby said as she gossiped more about Chase. her name definitely suited her... Gabby, she was definitely that. 

"Oh yeah! I forgot to say, apparently there is a new guy coming here... He's a junior though," she said as she ended disappointed. 

"Really?" Kate said as she overheard our conversation and linked onto Gabby. 

"Oh yeah, he's from LA... a total city boy... apparently," she said as she went quieter, "Apparently he's been to jail," she said which made Kate gasp and be roll my eyes.

Another bad boy wannabe that is going to make Kate swoon as soon as she lays eyes on him. 

"Do you really think that that's a good idea?" I asked Kate as she went off into a daydream, 

"What?" she asked snapping back into reality, 

I sighed "Never mind, just... Try not to get caught up like what happened with 'you know who'" I said trying to be supportive.

'You know who' is a guy with the name Antonio... He melted Kate's heart when he moved back to Spain about 3 months ago and she has been in ruins ever since. We aren't eve allowed to mention the words 'you know who' because she always know who 'you know who' is and it makes her heart burst at the thought of him... Lovely.

Us 5 all walked into the front doors and through the halls. My group was not considered popular, in fact... far from. We were more of nerds than pops. I was a hardcore ballet dancer who took junior math's, Gabby was a science geek, Kate was a bit of a bubble head but we love her, Noah is an all-around brain and Lilly excelled in English... She even took junior advanced English due to that. My friends are an odd bunch of nobodies, I hate to say it but it's true. 

You might think I'm mean for saying this about the people I love the most but it's even worse to go around telling people that my friends are so popular. Just because we're no bodies does not mean that we're not interesting.


After I had homeroom I had math's, junior math's to be exact, I made my way through the crowded halls and then through the even more crowded stairs to find the class I needed to be in. Room 205- Mr. Dun's class. He was a nice teacher but not so nice if you got on the wrong side of him. He never really shouted at the people in my class because most of them were nerds who had already aced every test but came back for the sheer joy of math's. There was me and a boy named Daniel who had moved up from sophomore math's.

I went into the class and was greeted by only a few students as most of them had not turned up. I went to the back where I sat and sir told me not to sit down as he was going to do a new seating arrangement once everyone had arrived. I did as I was told and went and stood behind my seat. After around 2 minutes the class was full of pupils standing up and wondering that the heck was going on because no teacher had ever given a seating arrangement in this school before (or that I know of). I was allowed to stay where I was and there ended up being no-one sitting next to me.

After a couple minutes a boy in all a black leather jacket and chuck tailors strolled in. 

"Room 205?" he said like he was meant to be here. 

"You are?" sir said to him as he walked over to his desk, 

"I'm Levi... Levi Jackson," he replied with. 

He was assigned the seat next to me and instantly asked for a pen. I told him he needed a pencil because we use pencil in math's but he ignored my statement and asked again,

"Can I have a pen?" he said persistently,

 I sighed and handed him a pen, who doesn't bring a pen in on the first day of term anyway? He took the pen and leant back in his chair. 

I looked over at him and saw his jaw... I mean, oh my god his jaw. It was perfectly chiseled and his nose was dead straight. His hair was a light brown sort of colour, a bit lighter than my hair but still very nice. I hadn't had a chance to see his eyes as I didn't want to be a creep and stare into them as he walked in... that wasn't how I was. 

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