12: the annex

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when i got out of the warm water tricking down me, i made the short trip from the bathroom to my room dressed in a towel.

i stepped out of the bathroom to hear laughter and movements coming from downstairs. one of the voices was definitely my brothers and the other sounded familiar but i didn't hang about too long to pay much attention. 

i dressed in some sweatpants and a sweatshirt that did not match. 

i headed downstairs not caring about my appearance until i realised whose voice that was.

Levi Jackson


"hello Scar," he said as he turned around to look at me.

"well, isn't in nice that your here... once again," i aid sarcastically,

"ah, it is really lovely that you love my presence," he said with a wink.

"dude..." Jason said butting in and shaking his head.

"what?" Levi asked with a small smile knowing what he was doing.

"no, just now," Jason said back him as he turned his head and continued to watch the game.

"well... Scar, why don't you come and sit here, you look lovely by the way," he said with a smile once again.

"no... no thanks," i said giving him a fake smile and moving to the kitchen. 

i grabbed an apple and then moved back to the living room where both of them had their eyes glued to the screen.

"so with this bet," i started as i sat down in the arm chair,

Levi turned his attention to me and listened intensively. 

"when do i start turing you good," i said as i internally cringed at the last word,

"oh... Scar, whenever your ready baby," he said with a wink and then turned back to screen.

was that it?

what now?

"well... first thing, stop calling people babe and no back-chat," i said as i sat up straight and crossed my legs,

"whatever you say...babe," he said and i could see his smirk from a chair away.

i sighed and rolled my eyes. 

"i dont know why your doing this stupid bet," Jason chipped in,

"yeah i know..." Levi agreed and both myself and Jason looked at him stunned, "she's practically my girlfriend already and for the record, I'm unnamable," he said with a huge grin and a laugh in his voice,

"dude... seriously?" Jason asked as he pushed him, 

Levi was still laughing and didnt seam to be too bothered by Jason pushing him.

"well dude, your going to hate me even more in 2 months time," he said to Jason with a wink. 

Jason then looked at me sternly and shook his head.

 he was being so protective over me. 



"why did you guys have to drag me into this?" i asked as once again, i sat in the back of Levi's car wishing i was the size of an ant so i could sit in it nicely. 

"because Scar, you're the one who always manages to make things exciting," Levi said patronisingly,

"really?" i asked sounding like i cared,

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