6: not again

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 then next day when I woke up I went downstairs to see a note on the fridge from my mum telling me that she had left early for her trip and that I had to take Ally to her baby sitter for the weekend. she put that message on there at 8 and it was now 10 on a Saturday, I'm screwed.

I rushed around trying to get all of Ally's stuff for her babysitter into a tote bag and then into the car. I didn't even know what I needed to pack so I shoved whatever I thought was needed into the bag. I woke Ally up from her bed and rushed her into her car seat of my mums car that surprisingly, she hadn't taken in her trip.

"what's going on?" Jason asked as he came to the front door to see me shoving whatever was necessary into the boot of the car whilst wearing my pajamas... "are you on drugs?" he asked we eyes widening, I shook my head and looked back at him.

"check the fridge," I called as I ran back inside and grabbed another bag I had packed. just as I did, I heard a loud calling of 'shit' come from the kitchen,

"oh shit! hurry up!" he panicked as he grabbed the last bag and ran to the car shirtless and in his boxers. Gross.

I jumped in the front seat and drove Ally off to her baby sitter who I was meant to see an hour ago but completely forgot about mum telling me over and over again.

once I arrived at the babysitters, I apologized for being late for a start and then kissed Ally on the forehead goodbye.

I got back into the car and sat there and sighed in relief.

Me: dropped her off, all done

I sent that to my brother and my mum who was on a trip with her boss (I think they're together or something). my mum texted back with some kissed and Jason just said 'k'.

once I arrived back home after the 20 minute drive in my pajamas, I arrived home to see a new car outside my house. it was a 1970's black dodge charger, a beautiful car may I add. I got out of the car and locked the door whilst going up the porch steps. I straightened out my sweater and knocked on the door.

the door swung open and I was created by a leather jacket who was leaning against the door frame.

it was Levi

"what are you doing here Scar... do you live here?" he asked me with a patronizing grin on his face. once again, I was frozen. I stood there and narrowed my eyes before barging past him and rushing to the stairs,

"manners sweetheart... manners," he said putting his hands up in defense,

at this remark I turned around mid-way up the stairs and looked at him, "why the hell are you in my house anyway?" I snapped,

"well... you see... your brother is 17, I am 17 and I am here on his request... you know, being his friend and all," he said pushing his hair out of the way,

I turned back around and scoffed before I muttered "who even wears a jacket inside... loser," I headed back up the stairs and proceeded to take on my routine of showering and getting dressed. that day I opted for some skinny jeans and a cream jumper since I didn't plan on going outside at all. just as I said this, I heard a knock on my door,

"hey... you in there?" said the voice that sounded a lot like Levi, I said yes and proceeded to relax and watch TV, which almost seemed impossible considering my current lifestyle.

"I'm coming in," Levi said and with no hesitation, he burst in and leant against the doorframe with his arms crossed,

"yes?" I asked him, "what do you want?" I then asked looking up at him standing there,

"oh you know," he said as I strolled in and sat down on the chair in my room, he spread out like a bit of a starfish on the chair and continued, "just wanted to chat..." he said as his eyes scanned the room. at this point I was very suspicious,

"about what... if it's about the other day I don't care because you're a creep to me as it it..." I said as I stood up and turned off my light indicating I was leaving the room,

"okay then... bye," he said standing up and following me out, "and by the way... we're getting a pizza," he whispered in my ear before barging past me to get to the stairway.


"can I have one pepperoni, a meat feast and a vegetarian cheese-free pizza," Jason said to the pizza service on the other line,

"seriously... a vegetarian cheese-free?" Levi asked me after the phone call one done, "you dancers and your crazy diets," he then said whilst shaking his head and scrolling on his phone,

"unlike you... my body is a temple..." I said trying to annoy him,

"oh yeah?"

"oh yeah..." I replied,

on that note, he stood up and took off his jacket,

"what are you doing?" I asked unsure of the situation,

he proceeded to lift up his back top to reveal a perfectly toned torso,

"what the hell dude!" Jason yelled as he saw me shielding my eyes.

"so..." he asked me, "whose body is a temple?" he said with a smirk.


when the pizza arrived I opened the box to reveal a very green flat bread pizza which definitely did not look as appetizing as either of their pizzas,

"yum," Levi said sarcastically as he looked at my pizza, I glared at him and took a slice of my green pizza,

"leave her alone," Jason said to which I felt proud.

we ate our pizzas and then watched a movie which was a horror of course since Levi had decided that it would be the best kind for 'a girl like me', little did he know that I had seen his chosen movie about 10 times and sat through it motionless and laughing at him when he flinched at the 'scary' parts. when I did laugh he glared at me and I raised an eyebrow to show that I had one upped him, in response he turned away and tried to ignore me.

"didn't find that too scary did you?" I asked Levi as Jason turned off the TV.

"pfft... no, I'm not a wuss..." he said trying to act manly, I shook my head in denial and went upstairs to study.

after about two hours of studying, I returned downstairs at around 11 to find that Jason was zonked out on the 3 seater sofa and Levi was sat there with his feet on the coffee table watching a late night show. I decided to creep up behind him and scare him.

one step,

two step,

three step,

"I wouldn't if I were you," he said with his back to me

damn it,

"ugh..." I said as I proceeded to go into the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water and took a few gulps before kicking his feet off of the coffee table and walking past him to sit in the arm chair,

"how longs he been out for," I said peering over at Jason,

"uh... about 20 minutes... shouldn't you be in bed?" he asked me as if I was a child, I furrowed my brows and glared at him,

"no... it's a weekend," I said before realizing that it was a bad come back, frustrated I said "why are you here anyway... your friends asleep and this isn't your house..."

"well," he said getting comfy, "your brother said that I could stay the night... since I am his friend and we're going out tomorrow," he said whilst showing his boyish grin,

"oh... well, stay in your own room and stop being a creep," I said as I got up and went upstairs,

"whatever you say red-" then he corrected himself, "I mean Scar,"

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