4: go away

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"He just stood there and watched me dance... I mean, who the hell does that... he's such a creep! ugh! why did he have to watch me out of all people... it was so embarrassing! and to top it all off, he grabbed my freaking arm after and told me that it was great... Why me?! Why do I have to be the one he talks to... he's such a freaking creep!" I ranted to Jason as i drove him home. 

"Can you... uh," he cleared his throat, "Can you slow down..." Jason asked quietly as he slumped in the seat. 

This just made me speed up, 

"maybe not then..." He muttered which made me scowl. 

"Why are you even annoyed at him... it's not like he did anything bad, he was kind to you," Jason dared to ask after a few minutes. 

"Well..." I started, "I don't even know him and i don't like complements from strangers or for them to tell me that I'm good at something, god knows who they hell they could be!" I bellow in embarrassment, 

"and yet you're a dancer..." He mumbles but I managed to make it out. 

"You know... Why are you even talking, I never asked you," I said in defence, 

"what! But...ugh! Whatever," he said in response. 

The rest of the ride home was pretty silent apart from my shouting at pedestrians which made me think of when Jason almost ran one over, so i ended up uncontrollably laughing. Jason looked at me like i was on some sort of drug and to be honest i felt like i was, my emotions were all over the place. Gabby sat there in silence and typed on her phone probably texting someone. Every now and again she would chirp up and give us her input bot apart from that, there was not much talking from her.

For once.

"How was school," my mum said as the two of us entered the house, 

Why was she here? She was meant to be at work, 

"eh..." I said whist motioning a confused face. "Why are you home?" I asked sharply, 

"oh, Miss Prince called,"


 "she said that she saw you getting annoyed at some boy and that your dancing was inadequate today so... I'm here to help you improve." I looked at her in utter exhaustion. 

I dont want to do any more dancing... I had had enough for one day. 

"Mum, I really dont need your help, I'm not in the mood and I have a huge maths test tomorrow and I really need sleep and-" I was cut off, 

"Nonsense! You're a math genius! You don't need to study," she said throwing her hands in to the air,

  Wrong and wrong... I am not a 'genius' and I do need to study. 

"We're going to the studio in 20 so be ready!" she shouted as I slumped my way up the stairs, "oh! And we can talk about this boy as well," she said in a cutesy tone. 

Whatever mum


20 minutes later I jumped into the car with mum and she threw me the keys, 

I guess I was driving. 

This was my chance to take a detour and end up lost in some woods somewhere. 

Sadly, there aren't many woods that I can get to easily in san Francisco. So I guess I had to drive to the dance studio at the school and hope that my mum was going to be less intense than the teacher who happened to be my mums best friend and was teaching me as a 'favour' to my mum. Apparently she had beat my mum in a competition and was now doing her time instead of my mum killing her (she has a Hitlist, jokes).

"Oh yeah... So who was the boy then?" she asked out of nowhere. 

"Oh... i think his name was Levi, something like that," I said as I peered out of the window and looked at the traffic coming the other way. 

"Oh really? Is he your boyfriend...." she asked slyly, 

Oh yes... My mother still treats me like in a 12 year old girl talking to boys, well I'm 16. 

"No he is not, just 'cos we talked does not mean were dating," I told her truthfully, 

"well... He held your arm," 


"Your point being?, "Oh and remind me not to drive this way, the traffic is not good," I said as I tried to change subject... I did not like talking to my mother about boys, 

"now, my point is that dance come first and I know your still a teenager and boys are to be expected but hold off for a few more weeks, you know... Until your dance is over," she said in a sincere tone,

"you have nothing to worry about... I don't even know him, he was just watching me dance... thats it," I said and I made sure that she knew that it was nothing and for her to stop worrying about the small things that happen in my life, 

"I won't lose my concentration... dance is everything to me," I may have lied slightly about that last bit but I meant the fact that I won't get distracted because at the end of the day, he was a 'bad boy' wannabe. 

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