21: here i go

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It had been a week since I went to Levi's house and found out that he was part of a dance crew and that he knew a lot more about dance than he was letting on. In that week, the only text I got from him was one he sent to me by mistake saying that he was coming over in 10. 

The fact that I'm Jason's sister doesn't help because Jason is feeling the wrath of his ignorance by the fact that he's not come over to see Jason either. 

I didn't tell Jason much about my apology apart from the fact that he accepted it and we made up. He's still completely baffled by the fact that Levi had not spoken to him outside of school at all over the past week.

He worst part for me is that i didn't have a partner for the dance competition and the fact that Levi denied my invitation to even come. To be honest, I felt a bit lost in maths since Levi decided to move away from me unexpectedly.

Usually after school i would have to sit through Levi making crude jokes about girls and dating and to be honest, I felt a bit lost without him. Especially since i never really got a reason as to why he wandered off back into the annex and left me. 

I stood there baffled by everything before i made my way back to Jason. The music started up again from inside and there was in-tune counts up to four. I couldn't tell if we were friends or not because he never really gave me a proper response. 

I'm guessing the answer was a no since he has ignored me when I've asked him otherwise.

"Just call him," I told Jason as he sat across from me at the dining table,

"What?" he asked baffled,

"call him," I say blatantly.

"he's not ignoring me... just you," Jason said as he took a mouthful of spaghetti,

"what?" I ask confused,

"Yeah, Levi has called me like 3 times today," he said like it was nothing,

"why hasn't he called me?" I ask him as i set my fork down in the food,

"I don't know, why don't you call him," he said patronisingly,

"enough you two," mum said as she chirped up from the end of the table,

"sorry mum, Red's just being an idiot," he said as he took his plate to the dishwasher and put everything in there,

"great," I mutter to myself as the nickname starts to sprout up again like a weed that will refuse to leave the garden.

my mum sighed and then shook her head,

"what, what is it?" I asked her as i saw her shaking her head,

"nothing, I just thought that you two were getting along... I guess I was wrong." she said as she proper her elbow up on the table, "ever since that boy came here you two have been good as gold," she said and smiled before returning to her food,

did she forget about the fact we came back pretty late on more than one occasion?

I nod along and finish off my food,

"oh and one more thing, your partner dropped out of the competition," she said sadly,

"what the hell," I say under my breath.

I may not like dance but I really like the competitions. 

"So who am i going to dance with?" I ask her after putting my plate away,

"I'm not sure, you'll have to find someone," she said to me with a sigh after she did some thinking.

"great," I mutter to myself as i head upstairs.

"Can you tell Ally that her timeout is up now and she can come down to finish off her dinner," she said loudly as i headed up the stairs.

I sigh and say okay before heading into her room and seeing her sitting on a chair in her room alone with puffy red cheeks.

She does realise she can move from the chair when no-one is around, right?

"you can move now," I said with a laugh as she looked up at me hopefully,

she nodded soppily and moved from her seat before clambering down the stairs.

"she's pretty stupid isn't she," Jason said as i exited her room,

"I guess," I said before walking into my own room and replaying the competition music i was dancing to over again and running through the dance in my head.

Suddenly, my phone started to buzz loudly with the exact ringtone that Levi set on my phone which was 'Anaconda' by Nikki Minaj and since it was a new phone at the time, I have never been able to change it back.

"Levi?" I ask as soon as i hear the ring,

"yeah, hey Scar," he said rushed,

"what's the matter?" I ask scared,

"I'm going to text you an address and you have to come and pick me up," he said pressured,

"wait? Now?" I asked rushed,

he sighed and then spoke on, "what," he said,

"do you want me to  come now?" I asked again,

he sighed once more and then waited for a bit, "yes..." he said, "now get here," he said and then hung up.

did Levi really just call me to come and pick him up?

are we okay now ?

"I have to go somewhere mum," I said as I grabbed my keys and shot out of the door.

I didn't hear my mothers response as I ran to the car, hopped in and started the engine up.

"here I go," i say to myself. 

'here. I. go,"


what does everyone think of my recent chapter?

how do you feel about her going off to see Levi after he ignored her?

make sure to comment 




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