7: hate him

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i woke up bright and early but reluctantly of course, i scrambled to get out of my plain purple bed sheets and made my way to the bathroom. i had to be out of the house by 9 so i was struggling for time, i only had an hour to get ready. 

i put my hair in a ballet bun and slipped a pair of leggings and a jumper over my leotard and light pink tights. i headed down stairs to be greeted by a half dressed Levi in the kitchen downing a glass of orange juice. 

"we wear clothes in this house," i said as i grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl which only contained apples. 

"well... i dont live here so i dont need to follow those rules," he replied with before winking at me,

i scoffed and took a few bites from my apple, i still had 15 minutes until i needed to leave so i went and sat down on the sofa and watched some TV, but before i could, Levi decided to sprawl his entire body over the three seater and then gazed up at my annoyed face, 

"seriously... move," i said trying to shove his legs off of my seat, 

"or what?..." he said smirking, "anyway, i thought you dancers were meant to be really strong? you need to try harder," he said as he gripped the sofa making my job harder, 

"I've been on a break... now move!" i shouted in defeat, 

"ahh... victory is mine," he bellowed which ended up waking Jason up, 

"GUYS! KEEP IT DOWN," Jason yelled from his room which echoed down the stairs, 

"thats my cue... bye Levi," i said as i headed towards the door after i put on my shoes, 

"bye, bye Scar," and then he winked at me... typical.

i grabbed my bus pass (yeah, Jason needs to car today).

around 4 hours of dancing later, i received a text from Levi who now had my number because Jason gave it to him when i specifically requested that Levi would never receive my number. 

Levi: coming to get you from dance. J is driving. i am texting ;)

i wasn't meant to leave my dance practise from another half an hour but since i was already really exhausted from the 4 hours of dance, i decided to let this time pass and wait outside for my chaperone who i was told would be here soon from my most recent text from Levi. 

about 10 minutes of me hopelessly waiting, i received another text from Levi, 

Levi: picking up food, be 20 mins!

and that ladies and gentlemen is why you never wait outside in the freezing cold for some boys who will get distracted by their stomachs and go to get food without you. i waked back inside the building and waited in the reception seats until they collected me. 

"hello, Scar," Levi said as he walked into the reception. Jason beeped the horn indicting for me to hurry up so i stood up and walked off behind Levi who was strutting out of the building in his boyish walk. 

"you know... you stink of fast food," i told him as i got in the car, 

"nope sweetheart... thats your sweat," he said as he turned around at me from the passenger seat and smiled a cheeky grin at me which evidently... made my eyebrows furrow in defeat. 

"will you two knock it off..." Jason said as he acted like a parent. 

i tried to come up with a come back but my game was really weak at the moment and Levi just sat there tapping at the screen of his phone. i thought he was texting but it turned out he was playing a game which was so much easier to annoy him over,

"having fun there child Levi," he ignored me and grunted as if to say 'go away', so i did just that, for the rest of the ride back home i sat in silence and tried to relax since i an out going to be doing too much of that if Levi was around all the time, which i am not fond of the idea of that happening so i need to make the most of my peace before hell breaks loose. 

when we got home, Jason parked next to Levi's Dodge that i couldn't help but look at as i walked past its gleaming paint job. 

"try not to drool on my car," he laughed as he cut in front of my and diverted my gaze from the car onto the ground. 

"weren't you meant to do something today?" i asked Jason as i ignored Levi's snarky comments. 

"well," Levi started, "we were but YOU had dance so we couldn't go," he said sounding disappointed,

Jason looked around and then eventually nodded,

"why would it matter if i was busy or not... its not like I'm involved with any of this," i said confused,

"well your brother wanted you to come out with us as well so here we are, talking about this outside of the house so can we please go in now?" he asked as he edged towards the door,

i widened my eyes in amazement of his rant and then eventually said something,

"we can all go bowling later if you want," i said as my need to please people came over me (the same need that come over me when my mum got upset over me not wanting to dance and then me forcing myself to do it just to make her happy... yeah, that need). 

Levi and Jason exchanged glances and then nodded in synchronisation. 

"its settled... lets go at 7 then," i said as i walked in the house, set my bag down and headed up stairs for my post-dance shower. 


"seriously! Jason hurry up!" i shouted up the stairs to my brother. i looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:14 and we were meant to leave 14 minutes ago. 

"just chill!" Jason shouted in response,

"ugh!" i said before slumping down on the sofa and waiting for his highness to hurry up.

after another five minutes, both buys erupted from their rooms. Levi wearing a leather jacket (as always) and Jason wearing a white top and an un-buttoned shirt over it. myself on the other hand was wearing a mid-length black dress and a denim jacket with some black converse. 

"finally," i said as i picked up the car keys and grabbed my cross body bag to go,

"ah, ah, ah," Levi said as he cut in front of me getting to the door, "i drive," he said as he took the keys from my hand, placed then on the table and then pulled out his keys from his back pocket,

"in your death trap of a car? no thanks..." i said crossing my arms in denial,

"fine, you walk then," he said as he opened the door with Jason trailing behind him. i scoffed and followed the two of them to his car,

"Red, your in the back," he said as he pulled the front seat forward and indicated for me to get in,

"why should i sit there?" i asked rudely. 

"well... your brother and i are both around 6 for tall or taller, your about 5 foot 4-ish, so you sit in the back," he said as he leaned against his car and waited for me,

"im 5 foot 7 actually..." i said as i clambered into the backseat. 

"i really dont care," he said as he pushed the seat back and went round to the drivers seat. 

"why didn't you step in?" i asked Jason as he got in front of me,

he turned around and answered, "i dont need to... it was nothing," 

"next time... do something," i said in response,

he rolled his eyes and turned back around, "unless he's rude to you, i say nothing." he said as he fastened his seat belt,

"you ready Scar?" Levi said,

"no but lets go," 

"try not to get to excited from the speed of my baby..." he said as he looked into the mirror and winked at me.

oh god i hate that boy.

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