17: you fell asleep

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the next morning i woke up to the music of my alarm and strangely, i was in my own bed after i fell asleep next to Levi whilst watching a movie.

i sighed and looked around to assess everything going on. i was still in the clothes from yesterday and there was a small note by the side of my bed. i picked up the note and began to read it


you fell asleep. i took you upstairs.

your boyfriend ;)

this guy i swear!

i crumpled up the note and threw it in the bin from my bed which i managed to score,

well done me

i got up and opened my curtains before regretting it and being blinded by the sun. then, i went over to my drawers and grabbed some random clothes before changing into them. i peered over at my alarm clock to see that i only had 20 minutes to get to the bus and quite frankly, i was not going to make it.

i grabbed my bag from the hanger on the back of my door and wandered downstairs clutching my phone and headphones.

"hey sis," Jason said groggily as he grabbed some toast and ate it dry.

"hi, when did you guys get back?" i asked as i walked to the hallway to grab my shoes.

"about 11," he said vaguely,

did he see Levi here? 

was he going to ask?

is this the end of the conversation? 

"oh yeah, and why was Levi leaving as we got here," he said as he raised his eyebrow and looked at me,


"well... he came over to see if you were in and kind of never left," i lied and bit my lip hoping that he couldn't tell,

"sis, i get it if you like him but... he's trouble," Jason said as he brushed his hands free of the toast crumbs,

did he eat it already?

"i know... but i don't even like him. I'm over liking your friends," i said as i awkwardly nodded my head.

"good," he said as he wandered off.

"one more thing... you are not getting the bus." he said as he turned around and nodded once and hurried up stairs.

what was i supposed to do then? neither of us had a car and mum had gone to work and Levi was already driving to school.

oh, Levi was driving this was to pick us up. Fun.

just as i sighed and sat down, i heard the roar from Levi's car filling the air. 

"jas! he's here!" i shouted as i grabbed my bag.

Levi knocked on the door to a rhythm as i opened it to reveal him wearing another leather jacket and some light was jeans, a white T and ray bans, even-though it wasn't sunny out.

"looking good as always," Levi said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow i saw peaking above the rim of his sunglasses. him saying this caused me to look down at my outfit. i was wearing my 'math-letics' sweater that i was given for winning the competition and a pair of black jeans, as well as a bomber jacket that looked extra puffy from the sweater.

i turned my gaze up to Levi and rolled my eyes. this was becoming a routine. 

"you two love birds done yet?" Jason said as he pushed past me to get outside,

"dude. it's a one sided relationship," he said as he pouted at me whilst speaking to Jason.

"whatever... that's my sister," Jason said as he pulled a face of disgust.

i followed Jason to the car that was parked along the road. i climbed into the backseat and sat back bracing myself for the speedy journey. 

"Levi... can you pick up my friend on the way," i asked kindly,

"which one?" he asked as he looked in the rear-view mirror and narrowed his eyes,

"Gabby," i said to him,


"please... i alw- wait, you said okay?" i asked as i widened my eyes in surprise.

"yeah, she's quite hot," he said as he pulled away and sped off with Jason laughing at the speed we were going at,

"it's a 40 miles per hour zone," i reminded him as i flinched when we curved around a corner.

"and I'm going double that," Levi replied as he spun the steering wheel like a professional. 

"just up here," i said as i directed him to gabby's house.

when she got in, she said hi and gave me a weird look to which i shook my head and sighed,

"everything alright girlfriend?" Levi said as he looked back at me with puppy eyes,

"2 months," i said to him as i returned to my conversation with Gabby.

"wait... girlfriend?" Gabby said as she looked at me and raised her eyebrow,

"no. I'm not his girlfriend," i said as i wave my hands and shook my head to emphasise that i definitely wasn't.

"not for now anyway," Levi replied with a wink.

"what did i tell you about being good? stop speeding and no winking," i huffed as i turned to look back at Gabby,

"sorry Scar," he apologised and smirked which i couldn't see but i knew it was there.

"you even have cute nicknames," Gabby cooed,

"yeah but she doesn't have one for me," Levi said as he pulled into the school lot and pretended to cry,

i sighed and pushed the seat forwards after Jason got out and helped Gabby out.

"what would my nickname be if you gave me one?" Levi pondered to himself, "babe... daddy... big-" Levi said but i cut him off by pushing him into a group of swooning girls as we walked in.

"your name is Levi, i shall call you Levi," i said as i grabbed Gabby and wandered off to find our friends.

mondays are always rubbish. this one was going to be extra bad.

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