19: tell me now

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there i was sitting outside of the principals office after being called there during English literature. i hadn't seen Levi since i pulled him and Marco apart but everything during lunch became a bit of a blur. 

"miss Rose, you can came through now," the guidance councillor said with a small smile on her face trying to lighten the mood.

i stood up and walked into the labelled room to see two bookcases on either side of a large wooden desk with a plaque with 'principal' engraved on it. the rooms complimentary colour was green and the padding on the chairs were green. 

you could tell that too much money went into her office, considering she was hardly even at school. 

"come in Scarlett, take a seat," she said as she looked at me with a smile on her face, a fake one of course. 

there were 3 seats and the one in the middle was free. on either side of me was Levi and Marco. both who i was annoyed at. both who were black and blue with bruises. both who sat there sourly as i walked in and sat down. 

i sat in the chair and played with my fingers and i heard an irritating picking sound. i looked over at Levi who was picking his nail. my pet hate he knew i had. i cringed at every pick and he knew it was getting to me.

"so, tell me exactly what happened from the start," she said as she leant on the desk and narrowed her eyes.

"well," i started and then sighed as Levi cleared his throat. "well, i saw Levi leave the cafeteria and then i heard lots of shouting coming from outside. i followed the sound and heard people chanting 'Marco' and 'Levi'."

"when  i got to the sound, i saw Levi throwing punches at Marco and Marco was trying to knee him in the stomach. i tried to break the two of them up and ended up being hit in the arm. the two of them started arguing over who did it and i shouted to get the to shut up. i may have said some things that i regret but it got their attention." i said truthfully.

"thats not true," Levi muttered to himself but i heard it.

the principal sighed as she heard Levi and gave him a glare. 

"what is true then Levi?" she asked him intrigued, even though she had already heard his side of the story,

"she said some pretty hurtful things to me... and she stuck up for Marco, the guy who was calling her my girlfriend and then being mean to her," he stated emotionlessly. 

"what did you say miss Rose?" she asked as she turned her attention to me,

"that i didn't need him to fight his battle for me... and that he wasn't needed," i said as i muttered the last part.

"well, thats not good," she said back with a disgusted face.

Levi snorted and his eyes scanned the bookcases.

"well, Marco... what is your side of the story?" she asked him as he sat there chewing some gum.

"there isn't much of a story," he said emotionlessly.

"oh," she said back to him. "well, i fell my job is done. the rest is up to you guys," she said as she began to pack up her binder full of notes.

"what? is that it?" Levi protested. "he's been horrible to her all day and you're just going to brush it off?" he asked disgustedly,

"I'm sorry mr Jackson but there isn't much to go by," she said as she shook her head.

"just leave it-" i said as i stood up ready to go,

"no! I'm not going to leave it," he protested once more,

i sighed and left the office without him. as i walked back to class, i heard quick, heavy footsteps. almost as though someone was running.

"Scar, wait-" the voice said, by the nickname i knew it was Levi.

"no Levi, like i said earlier, i don't need you to fight my battles, if some guy wants to make fun of me, let them. i don't care and i never have done. why is that so hard for you to understand?" i shout through the corridor.

"its not, i just-" he started, "never mind," he said and then let me walk off leaving him alone in the corridor to himself. 


"why did i just get a call from Levi saying that he's annoyed at me?" Jason said as he barged into my room confused.

"he's annoyed at me... not you," i said as i curled into my pillow even more,

"Huh, wanna talk about it?" he asked in an awkward tone,

"with you? no thanks," i said to him,

"good, i really didn't want to go through that," he said and sighed,

"first of all, you brought the idiot here in the first place, then he made some stupid bet with me and now he's going around beating up guys for me, just get him to stop annoying me," i said as i sat up and started my rant,

"um, okay..." he trailed, 

"god! i can't believe he spent the weekend with me," i muttered,

"wait... what?" he asked with an evil smirk on his face,

"um..." i started, 

"Scarlett. tell. me. now," he said with a serious face. 

uh oh,

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