18: Levi's chick

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first lesson was English literature and it could've gone better, i got to the lesson on time and took my seat by the back of the classroom. all of the students piled in and tiredly took their seats. finally, Mrs. Cole strolled in groggily and pulled out the chalk and began to write stuff on the blackboard with the chalk screeching along the board.

that woke everyone up,

she set us an assignment for the day to read the ending of Romeo and Juliet, which i had read about 5 times already in this class, and write a short essay about the ending and how the audience were effected by the ending and the death of both characters.

long story short, the lesson ended with some idiotic kid throwing an apple at my head for no reason and then shouting 'Levi's chick' at the top of his lungs as he laughed to himself. where that sudden burst came from i will never know, it was so random i don't know wether to laugh at him or be threatened by him. 

i wasn't even Levi's chick.

i left the lesson and rubbed the side of my forehead where the apple was hauled at me and left to go to maths to see the one and only, Levi.

for this lesson, i also got there on time but his royal highness did not, and he also asked me for a pen again.

does he not get it that we use pencil in maths?

i sighed and handed him the pen before he winked and began to chew the end of it.

"you know, you don't have to be a dick all the time," i said to him as i zipped up my pencil case and shoved it in my bag,

"you sure are cheery on Mondays," he said to me as he took the pen out of his mouth and placed it on the table.


"well..." i began, he gave me a raised eyebrow and then i sighed, "whatever,"

"no... come-on" Levi nudged me,

"loose the sunglasses, you look stupid," i lied, he did not look stupid. at least they weren't covering his eyes anymore and were perched on his head pushing back some of the long hairs.

he grinned at me before taking them off and tucking the over his shirt.

"better?" he asked me as i looked at him doing so,

"better," i replied as i began to copy down whatever sir had been talking about for the past few minutes,

after about half an hour of math, Levi finally chirped up "i was wondering, do you want to go and see a movie tonight?" he asked as he turned his face for me to look into his eyes,

"um, whats the cause of this?" i asked unsure of whether to answer or not,

"well, you see... my friend from New York is coming over and he's bringing a date. i don't want to third wheel so i said i'd bring someone. also, you're kind of the closest thing i have to a date if I'm honest," he said whispering the last part,

"why don't you take the school slut?" i asked with a slight snort,

"i don't date, i meet, then dump. no dates. nothing," he said as he inched closer to me,

"okay then... it's a deal, but in return you have to be good all week. meaning no underage drinking, no speeding and definitely no smoking. got it?" i say with a smile playing on my lips,

he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before agreeing to the deal. 

when the lesson ended, i made my way down to the cafeteria to get some lunch when i stumbled upon someone.

"hey Levi's chick," the tall stocky figure said as he rose from the line out of nowhere,

"hi," i said quietly as i tried to avoid conversation.

"if it wasn't for you, i would have a lunch today," he said sourly,

was he blaming me for him throwing an apple at my head?

awkwardly, i stand there and reply, "okay," i said unsure of what else to say to him,

"okay? okay? all you've got to say is okay?" the guy questions,

i nod and look over at the spaced out trays of food beside me. 

the guy tuts and walks off leaving me alone.

phew. that was a lot easier than i thought it was going to be.

from the canteen, i ordered a bottle of water, a vegan wrap and a gluten free brownie. it tasted great but i'd much rather have a greasy burger any day. it had been ages since i had had a burger because my mum kept me on a strict diet as you can probably tell. 

my eyes scanned the seats as i looked for my friends. when i found them, i sat down next to Kate who was talking about no-one other than this guy named Marco from her Spanish class,

"he was talking about this girl who fancies him and he was saying that he had to throw something at her today to keep her quiet," he gossiped,

that event rang a bell.

"did he say anything else?" i asked her curiously,

"other than the fact that he called her 'Levi's chick' no," she said and then took a bite out of her pizza.

i want pizza so bad, not this vegetable wrap.

"oh... yeah, that was me," i say casually,

"what?!" she asked me astounded,

"yeah, although, i do not fancy him and I'm not Levi's chick. also, he threw the apple at me for no reason and today has been a rubbish day for me. apart from the fact that i got asked on a date tonight, everything about this day has been bad," i ranted and then slumped back into my chair.

"Scarlett, it's okay... at least he didn't call you red," Gabby said to cheer me up,

"yeah, it could have been worse," Noah piped in,

"yeah," the rest agreed,

i hope they blanked the bit about the date, well, a 'date'.

"hang on a second," Kate said as she straightened up and pointed a finger at me, "I'm not going to talk to him anymore, he's clearly an idiot," she said as she shook her head in disapproval,

thank god,

"what Kate meant to say was that we know about your date, who, what, where and when?" Lilly said as she looked at me with widened eyes and dramatised her movements.

damn it,

"well... my brothers friend: Levi, wanted me to go on a fake date with him to please his friend from NY and i agreed but we made a deal out if it," i confessed.

none of them asked about the deal, they were just more interested in the fact that it was Levi i was going on the 'date' with.

"wait a minute, how come you can rack up a hot guy and the best i get it germey Jones," Kate pouted as she looked over at Tyres Jones who was waving at her with a bogey hanging out of his nose. i shuddered as i followed her train of view. 

"he asked me in Math," i confessed again,

"huh," Kate said as she took another bite out of her pizza. 

suddenly, there was a groan of pain that escaped someone near the exits lungs and a few punching noises were made.

"what the hell?" i mutter as everyone, apart from a few, gets up and hurries out to see the fight. 

i follow as well as i hear people chanting names,


oh hell no,

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