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I am a naked, red, baby, clinging to the mother who was my shelter.

You are a tired woman who is trying to move on without me.

Not because you do not love, but because I do not need.

for I am no baby you see.

You are used up and worn out, there is no life left in your chest.

But my clingy cries keep you tethered at my bed.

And I yell that you are selfish, that you aren't thinking straight

There's so much to live for, I cry and plead at your waist. 

But there is a difference between you and I, I know.

For life is to be grasped and swung and held close,

For the ones who can still do that.

But you cannot, so life is simply a reminder of what has been lost. 

And what has been lost is about to include you.

And it is not my choice because it is not my life that I cannot hold;

It is not my life that I cannot kiss and love.

It is your life

Your choice

And it is you who should make the one decision you can, 

The one decision I will not give to you.

And i am the selfish one for that. 


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