Kind Of Tired

18 1 0

I'm kind of tired of the same old days

Same routine of classes that I walk through

Just talk, talk, talking about things that don't matter

And think, think, thinking the same old thoughts.

I'm kind of tired of the same old face

Same nose I see each morning

I brush and brush but my teeth are still imperfect

And I wash and wash but I still have scars on my face.

I'm kind of tired of the same old nights

Same tears that run down my face

Blinking and streaking the drops that engrave

Burning and scarring deep into my heart.

I'm kind of tired of the same old demons

That push away my angels each time they rise

The words I speak and the things I think just aren't what they should be.

I'm kind of tired of writing poetry

That says the same old things.

I'm kind of tired of being someone

Who believes whatever they think.

Maybe if I'm this tired I should

Get up and do something

Get up and say something

Or get up and be something.

Maybe if I'm this tired, I should

Be doing something else.

I'm kind of tired of being lost and sad and alone

So maybe I'll just be something else.

Something beautiful

Who's words come out crooked and flawed but completely true

And who's teeth are imperfect and skin is red and body is scarred

But someone who's completely okay with being

Messed up and lost and sad and alone

Because when you're lost and sad and alone

You aren't really tired.

And then you can do something about it.


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