don't be like me (be better)

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Don't be like me,

Be better.

Don't speak like me,

Be softer.

Don't act like me,

Be wiser.

Don't love like me,

Be kinder.

And don't live a life,

Imitating me,

Because the life you see is not reality.

Don't be like me, you don't know a thing,

I smile and dance, a puppet on a string.

Don't laugh at my jokes, they're not funny.

Don't sing my songs, they're not happy.

Don't copy my art, or write my poetry,

Don't be like me, it's not really something

To aspire after, to wish for and dream.

Be messy and broken, be lost and afraid,

I know it's a fantasy to be okay,

Your heart will get broken, and you'll shatter someone's,

You'll defend the forgotten while holding the gun,

And that's not right, but it's might be okay,

Everyone's a little wicked, we've all lost our way.

But don't be like me,

Don't live quietly,

Don't scream silently,

And don't let yourself drown without even swimming.

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