The Middle

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I am the middle sister

The gray in between.

I am the dividing line

That separates two extremes.

Night from day

Sound from sight

Good or bad

Dark or light. 

I am not the good girl

Or the rebel in my house.

I am not the most talented

But nor am I without.

I do not need attention

But I crave a little care

I am nothing seemingly special

You may forget that I am there.

But I am a little different

If you look into my mind

I am a type of outcast

For I leave the world behind.

If I cannot be the dynamite

Or the strong, steady trees

I will simply allow myself to fill

With the waters of the streams. 

When my magnets do oppose

And I begin to lose my way

I simply use my thoughts

As a means to my escape.

So though I may not be the hero

Or the maker of your dreams

I am simply in the Middle

If you ever need a place to think.


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