Ups and Downs

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There are ups and downs in life

As cheesy as it sounds.

Because one minute I don't think there could ever be beauty

I can never be okay, never see the snow without feeling cold and miserable,

But then there is something small that makes me happy.

And maybe it's not enough to convince me that everything is okay

But it's enough to show me that not everything is lost.

That I am not sure why I am here

Or if it really matters,

But that even at my lowest lows, there is something

That made me a little better than I was before.

I focus so much on whether the good is "enough"

As if life is a scale to weigh the pros and cons,

without realizing that maybe life's a little unbalanced.

A little up and a little more down sometimes.

But that maybe it's better to live on a rollercoaster

Rather than a scale.


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