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it's 1:48 and I am alone

1:48 sitting at home.

at 1:48 some might still be out

but at 1:48 I'm inside my house.

at 1:48 my family's asleep

at 1:48 some kids count their sheep.

and at 1:48 I'm supposed to be fine

but 1:48 is too late in the night.

it's 1:51 and I'm still awake

because 1:51 is 4 minutes late

and 1:51 is continually hard

until 1:52 comes to give me more scars.

and 1:48 slowly becomes 3

and 3 shifts into the early morning.

soon 1:48 becomes another day

for 12 hours I say I'm okay.

and 1:48 is now 55

I know I should probably say goodnight

but I'll stay awake until who knows when

I'm losing each night time and time again.

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