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we are all just variables

in an universal equation-

the addition and subtraction

and balancing of life.

and I am just a fraction

that really amounts to little.

because no one cares about the 26 letters

that I used to write these words.

and we all end up as scattered atoms

with stories long forgotten.

and wishes that never came true.

and I am just a broken girl

with a spectacularly average existence.

writing broken words with a broken heart

just a closet ghost with her broken art.

and it hurts to think my chaos

is just some synapses in my brain,

that no one listens to but me

because I am just another face.

and you can say this world is beautiful

and build me a strong case,

but I just see with my own eyes

and feel this fear, this weight, this pain.

almost as if my atoms are out of order

and my brain out of alignment.

and you can spin your tales and tell your lies

to persuade me that I matter

but if I can get lost in my own thoughts,

then this universe, and it's cruel equation

just makes me feel kind of forgotten.

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