chemically depressed today

13 1 0

i am chemically depressed today,

so lethargic these words physically hurt.

the windows are holographic,

transparent, reflective, colors, too bright,

the world around me is claustrophobic.

and it presses, suffocation, desperation,

my mind is clearly foggy and decidedly unsure

of what is reality and what is me,

sifting flour into cake but gravels what i'm using.

i am clinically disturbed,

the blackness paint my pupils.

dilate, intensificate, make sense of the blurry swamp.

weights crushing, bones mushing,

walls crumbling, elusive photography,

slippery viewfinder as a photo frame

brain boxed inside a iron-hot cage.


i may sound like a maniac,

but l just clinically depressed today.

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