Rainbow Day

18 2 0

I'll paint you a sky with clouds of ropes,

and sunlight that spills like laughter.

Long shadows from buildings and cobblestoned streets

and warm breezes that speak in whispers.

I'll draw up the blueprint of a day for laundry,

clothes flapping like drunken birds.

And I'll sew you a tapestry of childhood music

the notes tumbling off the homes,

rising in crescendos and falling like leaves,

music that weaves into everything.

Finely stroked in days of soccer and laundry

and children running down the street.

I'll paint you a day where you can be free,

where sunshine falls like snowflakes of  gold,

where there's no rush of time or suffocation of smog,

no factories to bellow and cough and clog.

I'll paint you a day from my imaginary dreams,

my paintbrush will craft new memories,

with warm current breeze, and scraped up knees,

with lollipop homes and sweet honey bees.

I'll paint you a rainbow day,

prisms of light that flood across the sky,

a giant cosmic iris, a reflection of your eyes,

I'll give you a perfect day,

one for you to relish in.

and when you're all done enjoying the view, 

I'll get out my paint again. 

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