the other thing I wrote in chemistry instead of taking notes

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we're learning about equilibrium

but I don't want to think

I have too many demons

clawing up at me.

the girl named glass who won't shut up

or my teacher who talks so soft

we talk of equilibrium

but I just want to draw.

why am I so depressing

when I have people surrounding me

their faces full of smiles

but I'm lost in my own seas.

It's not that I'm not grateful

or that I'm not willing to learn

I'm just so insane from

holding all my hurts.

we write out chemical equations

but none of them explain

why I'm being tormented by

some neurons in my brain.

In case you were wondering, yes, I did write a poem about what we were learning in chemistry class, and no, I still do not know anything about equilibrium except that it's when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction and something about the mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell.

That last part was a joke. Laugh. <3

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