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I am depressed, my family says.

I am not my normal self.

"It's just your hormones," they say to me.

One day I will be well.

So none of my tears are really real.

Because they're just chemicals in my brain.

None of my scars really bleed.

They are simply just some stains.

My suicidal mind is not a problem.

Just stop being this awful way.

And I don't need help because I am.

Just going through a stage.

I'll close my mouth and nod my head.

When I'm told this isn't me.

I am just the product of my hormones.

Synapses are all I'll ever be.

And no one cares until my tears.

Dry on ice-cold cheeks.

No one listens until there.

Is a tombstone over me.

No believes me when I say.

I don't think I can go on.

I am simply made of hormones.

So nothing is ever really wrong.


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