
24 1 0

"I'm okay," 

My bleeding wrists insists.

"Just a little bit tired today."

"I'm fine,"

my long-sleeved liars, 

my clever mouths reply

as they betray each word I say.

"Don't worry."

My twinkling eyes

will deceive anyone who looks.

Or anyone who dares to care or try.

"I love you."

I say with a weak smile

because it is true.

I love you, I love

the big, beautiful world,

and I hate nothing of it.

Except for me of course.

Except for the actor who dances on stage

Who wakes up each day

Ready to perform and play.

Except for the girl who wears a few too many bracelets.

And spends a few too many minutes alone.

And smiles a little too big

Who laughs at nothing and everything,

Who's tears and sobs are heard by none.

Except the person who she hates more than anything.


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