i hate you, brain

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i hate you, brain.

way deep inside, where no sunlight could ever reach.

i hate you, skull.

prison of bone, protecting this evil thing.

twisting, turning, truths with lies,

constructing chaotic orchestral scenes.

i hate you brain, for tormenting me.

cathartic escapes in paint and sound

but always to return to the box.

there is freedom in my thinking,

but there's the issue of right and wrong.

morality, ethics, buffers to satisfaction

white and black, make grey and red,

blood of many fractions.

i hate you, mind,

you scare me so, with your expanse of endless circles.

you speak too much, but not enough

i'll always crave for more.

why do you control my skeleton?

get out from under my head,

boneless frame, endless games,

toying with my faith, let go.

i hate all the things i think,

and the ones i'll never know.

without the prism to filter light into colors

the world is ready to see,

without the guidelines of judgement,

there's blossoms of terrible things.

sexist, racist, prejudice, pride,

all the thoughts that i should hide,

i hate you brain, for revolting against me

fighting my heart, and all my beliefs.

let's build castles with churches and diamonds that shine,

oh wait, my brain says nevermind.

instead, let's question everything we know,

and when we're left empty, it whispers "let go."

test the waters, drown in ourselves,

selfish brain, stupid brain, evil mind,

pull me into hell.

i hate you brain,

but the terrible thing,

is the thing i despise,

is really just me. 

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