I wish I was paint (i think)

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I wish I was paint

that streaked the skin of those I love

painting band-aids and smoothing shells

with the the perfectly pigmented dye.

I would paint vibrant hues in my lover's eyes

and I'd construct complex tattoos all over shoulders and thighs.

I'd leave painless scars on fingers and lungs,

and they'd breathe in the acrylic incense

as the fumes filled their brains and tongues.

I'm not selfish, I just love art

and people are boring and so full of broken hearts.

I'd paint over all their scars, it's not about me

I just have some colors good for healing.

I wish I was paint and the world was my canvas 

and people were beautiful and I was an artist.

But I can't even paint over my scars or mend my heart

and I'm drowning inside the screams of the stars.

So keep your bruises and all your dents,

because people aren't art and no one is perfect. 

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