Tails X Lillian

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        ---->Narrator Pov<----

    Lillian was shyly eating dinner with her sister Leslie, and her boyfriend Tails. "I have to leave early for school, Tails you wouldn't mind taking care of my sis right" Leslie said getting up. "I wouldn't mind at all" Tails said giving her a smilie. "Your the best Tailsy" Leslie said giving Tails a kiss on the cheek, and grabbing her things. "Bye Lillian bye Tails! You two behave yourself!" Leslie ran out the door.

Tails turn to look at Lillian, too her looking alway shyly. "So uh do you like to read?" Tails said rubbing the back of his head. "Yes I do" Lillian said. "Follow me then" Tails said leading Lillian to his room. He open the door, and Lillian eyes lighten up "wow you have so many manga's!" She said walking in. "Haha yep, pick what ever you like" Tails said also walking in. Lillian walk over to the shelf, and pick one out. "Dad never lets me read manga" Lillian said turning around too see Tails. "Why is that?" Tails asked. "He worries that'll end up reading something that I shouldn't, but he lets me read light novels though" Lillian explain. "Well read what ever you like" Tails said. "Thank you!" Lillian eyes shinned as she grab the rest of the books of the series, and sat down.

---->Time Skip<----

Leslie open the door to Tails room. "Have you been reading Manga all day?" Leslie said making Lillian jump. "Ah yes... Tails said I can" Lillian look at Leslie. "Alright, was just asking" Leslie smiled.

Leslie sat down across Lillian. "So tell me... did you have a fun day with Tails?" Leslie said bring her arms to her face, and leaning her head on her hands. "I did have fun! He let me read his books!" Lillian said giving her a big smilie. "Leslie, how come you fond love so easy, and I can't" Lillian said looking at her sis. Leslie laugh "you can have any guy you want, you just need to get over your shyness" Leslie responded. "I see... am not that shy" Lillian said playing with her thumbs. Leslie laugh again "oh Lillian!"

     ---->The Next Morning<----

    "Tails wake up" Lillian said shaking Tails. "Ugh... no" Tails grunted. "Tails wake up!" Lillian got on top of Tails shaking him. Tails grab Lillian thinking it was Leslie, and put her under him. He put his face in the her boobs. "Tails...!" Lillian said trying to push him off.

     Tails finally open his eyes, and quickly moved alway. "Am so sorry!" Tails said blushing. Tails blushed even darker when he saw that Lillian was only wearing a green apron, and nothing under neath. "It's alright..." Lillian said.

An awkward silence toke place. Tails decide to break it "so why are you wearing that?" Tails said looking alway. "Oh this, my sister told me to wear it" Lillian replied.

"Tails... can I ask for a favor" Lillian played with the apron strings. "What's is it?" Tails said looking at Lillian. "Can we do the thing you, and my sister do?" Lillian said looking down. "What!?" Tails said surprised. "P-please I want to know how it feels like" Lillian said looking at him. "Well Leslie won't mind, since she made you wear that" Tails said. "Please" Lillian said taking Tails pants off. "Woo!" Tails back up a little. "Doesn't it not work like this?" Lillian said giving Tails a confused look. "No, you'll end hurting your self, I need to get you wet first" Tails said moving Lillian back. "Alright, what do I need to do?" Lillian asked. "Sit back, and spread your legs" Tails said. Lillian did as she was told.

Tails lifted up Lillian apron, and went down to her vagina, and started to lick it. "Ahhh~ why there" Lillian moan. Tails kept licking Lillian vagina, spreading it open more, so he can lick even deeper. "Ahhhh~ Tails" Lillian moaned. Lillian soon cummed in Tails mouth.

    Tails moved alway, and wiped, his mouth. "Does it feel good to cum?" Tails asked. Lillian panted "Yes" Lillian responded. "Well keep your legs like that" Tails said taking his boxer off. "Are you sure that's going to fit?" Lillian asked. "only one way to find out" Tails responded. Tails slowly put his shaft into Lillian vagina. "Ahhh~" Lillian moaned. Tails then started thrusting at a normal speed. "So tight~" Tails thrusted faster. "Ahh~ omg~" Lillian moaned. Tails toke it out, and turn Lillian around. Tails thrusted into Lillian making both of them moan loudly. Tails thrusted as fast as he could. "Ahhh~ Tails~" Lillian moaned. Lillian soon cummed, and Tails cummed inside of her.
"Awe what a sweet scene!" Tails, and Lillian look at the door to see Leslie standing there.
"How long have you been standing there!?" Tails said shocked.
"The whole time, and now am hot~" Leslie said moving her legs.
"But sis I wanted to play a little more" Lillian wined.
"Awe don't worry we can all play together~" Leslie said.

The End...?

💜💜💜💜Requested the_quarts-girl I hoped you like it! Sorry if the ending seem weird. Am kinda sick at the moment.💜💜💜💜

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