Courtney POV

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"Courtney? Are you gonna change?"
"Yeah, Noah didn't come back in yet, he's getting my bag," I told Olivia. I was staring out of the window, staring into the black setting. Watching the snow lightly fall onto the ground. I looked down the path, watching the stairs that turn just out of view. Waiting for Noah to walk up the stairs. I was wearing a green sweater and black leggings.
I waited another 5 minutes, before grabbing my jacket from the living room and heading out.
"Courtney? You're going out?"
"Noah's outside, probably waiting for me to come outside, so he can jump scare me or ambush me," I explained.
I stepped outside and followed the path of rocks to the stairs. I went to the road where the producers left the rest of the bags and supplies outside. There was a few boxes, a bag with our recording equipment, and a spot where my bag should be, left empty. Did Noah take it? He probably went inside a different way. I turned around. When I heard a faint, 'help!'
It sounded like Noah, it sounded frantic.
"Noah!" I called. "Noah!" I called louder. I started running to where I heard the call.
"Courtney?! Court- help me please!" I heard.
I kept running, through the trees and snow.
"Please!" I heard him call. It was getting louder as I ran.
"Noah! I'm coming! Noah!" I screamed. I jumped over a mound of snow and slowed down. "Noah!" I called.
"Courtney! Help me please!" I heard him, a few steps away. I turned on my phone's flashlight and saw him on the ground. He held his knees to his chest, his eyes were closed and it looked like he was crying.
"Noah!" I ran up to him and got on my knees beside him, I grabbed his hand and his arm. He tried pushing me away and called:
"Courtney! Help me! Help!" He screamed.
"Noah, Noah, it's me! I promise, it's me," I coaxed. He didn't stop pushing, he laid on his side and cried, slowly stopped pushing me away, he just mumbled some stuff to himself. "Courtney" he mumbled.
I rubbed his arm.
"Noah, it's Courtney, Noah, it's ok," I told him. He opened his eyes, which were red. He latched his arm on my forearms. He looked genuinely scared, and glad to see me.
"Courtney?" He asked, unsure if I was there.
"Noah, Noah what's wrong? What are you doing way out here?" I asked him. It was surely not a joke. He was too freaked out to be acting.
"I-I-I I don't know, something, it, hit me, and dragged me, and bit me, and hurt me, and it-it looked, like you,"
"What do you mean? It dragged you here, hurt you, and it looked like me?" I repeated. This sounded way too far out to be real. It sounded like a video game plot. Like a horror film.
"It, it looked like you, you said, 'Noah! Get out! Get out!'" He mimicked something. He sounded mad at whatever. He showed me with his hands, how it hit him, and shoved him around. He looked at me to see if I was following. He looked mad at me too. He looked in my eyes and saw something else. He got angered.
"It's you!" He screamed, he got up and shoved me backwards. He stood over me and looked really angered. He blew a fuse.
"Noah!" I yelled. "Noah! What's wrong! It wasn't me! It wasn't me!" I screamed.
"Courtney!" He screamed back at me. His voice sounded off. He started screaming, and it was not Noah. This wasn't Noah.
"Courtney Miller! It's You!" He picked me up and shoved me back onto ground. He kicked me and shoved me around the snow.
"Noah!" I screeched back. "Noah Grossman! Stop! Stop it please!" I yelled at him. And soon, it didn't look like Noah anymore.
"Courtney! I'm coming!" I heard from a distance. Noah, or the long stick figure-like thing that had been posing as Noah looked up. I saw a light, not a death light, a flashlight shining over at it. I laid on the ground. Clutching my body.
"Courtney?" I heard. It was Shayne. Then I saw the rest of the Squad run over. "Courtney!" They gasped. "Where's Noah?" Keith asked.
"He-he, I don't know," I tried to explain.
"He's right here!" I heard Olivia. I looked over to where she was kneeling. I saw Noah, sitting against a tree. He held his knees to his body. His face was buried in his hands. He looked frantic. He looked like how he was when I found him before.
"What happened?" Shayne asked me. I was shaking and crying. He picked me up and started walking back. He wrapped his jacket around me. I looked back, I saw Keith and Olivia helping Noah walk back.
He were walking for a while, I saw the road and the path leading to the stairs leading to the smaller path leading to the cabin. Shayne struggled a bit on the stairs.
"Don't drop me," I mumbled.
Shayne looked at me and chuckle a bit.

Soon we were in the living room, sitting down. They sat me on the love seat with Noah. I didn't want to look at him.
"What happened?" Olivia asked softly.
"Ask Noah, he-it happened to him first," I said.
"Noah?" Shayne asked.
"I-I went out, to the bags and stuff, and then, I turned around, and I saw, I saw Courtney," he started. The Squad looked at me, then back at Noah.
"But, it wasn't me, I didn't come out until like 5 minutes later," I added. I needed to let them know that I didn't do anything.
"I said, I just said, 'Court, I was gonna get it for you' but, then she, she yelled at, 'Noah! Get out! Go away! Get away!" Noah explained. He looked at me. He stared into my eyes, like the thing. I got a rush of fear.
"Don't hurt me!" I screamed. I fell off of the couch trying to get away from the thing.
"Courtney! Shh, it's ok, it's just Noah," I closed my eyes. I didn't want to open them and see the monster.
"Courtney, it's just me, it's just Olivia," she said. I slowly opened my eyes. Olivia was there. "You don't have to cry, it's just us, Noah's not gonna hurt you,"
I took a breath in, and sat beside Olivia instead of Noah.
"Can you continue Noah?"
"The thing, Courtney, she pushed me, and I laughed it off, I just said, 'hey, what was that for?' And then, and then she kicked me and grabbed my hood, and dragged me into the woods. I tried to get away, and, and something happened. She let go, and I looked up, and she was on the ground crying, so I slowly get up, my side's still sore, and I try to go up to her, so I call her 'Courtney!' And then she runs away," he says. He was staring at the fire. I looked at where he was looking, and I saw the whole thing, play out from the ashes and flames.
"I follow her, I keep calling her too, 'Courtney!' I keep saying, and then, after a long way, I get tired and sore, so I stop, and call her again, and she, came out of nowhere, and shoved me, and hurt me, and then it turned into, something else, and I heard Courtney call out for me," Noah paused, he looked to his hands and starting crying. He kept sobbing.
"And then, it kept hurting me," he sobbed. "And then, it, saw you, and then it, ran away," he said. He calmed down a little.
"I can take it, Noah," I said. I looked over at him. He didn't look back, he did for a moment, but he saw me looking at him, so he turned away immediately.
"I ran to him, and he started explaining everything, and then, he, he I don't know, it looked at me, and started to, hit me too, it did what it did to Noah, to me,"
"I saw it, you looked at me, and then you started acting weird, you fell and then you said 'Noah stop it!' And then I asked 'what's wrong?' But something was doing something to you, Courtney, you were getting shoved around, and you started crying, I didn't know what to do, you were calling my name, and I wasn't doing anything," Noah explained. "You started talking to someone else, it wasn't me!" Noah cried. The tears came back, and he started yelling 'it wasn't me!' Just like he felt the need to clarify that it wasn't him, like I felt before.
I couldn't help but cry too. Olivia held onto me, and when Noah started thrashing around, Shayne and Keith hugged him too. He kept thrashing, trying to get to me. He started to say "I'm sorry."
I cried harder. "I'm sorry too! Noah, I'm sorry!" I got out of Olivia's hold and went to Noah. I held onto him, and he did he same.
"I'm sorry," he said into my ear.

I woke up the next morning. I was on a mattress in the living room. The fire place was still going on. It wasn't just me on the mattress. Olivia and Noah was laying on it too. We were under a big duvet. Keith and Shayne were on the couches.
I wanted to get up and get something to eat and drink, but I didn't want to be alone, even if I was still in the house.

"Courtney?" I heard. I laid back down again because I didn't want to get up or wake someone.
"Yeah Shayne?"
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm still sore, but I'm ok,"
"You don't have any marks," Shayne told me. I looked at my arms, and my legs, and then I lifted my shirt a little. There was nothing. But I remember the pain, here had to be something.

So what do you think is going on? What do you think the figure is?

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